Atami July 1, 2024 1:52 am


    Piper July 1, 2024 6:58 am

    I am an engineering major... It is everywhere. Also you do not want to comprehend the things she was talking about (which granted half of it was bullshit) but still. Don't mess with some waves, stay with direct current. It's so much simpler mathematically :')

    Atami July 2, 2024 3:49 am
    I am an engineering major... It is everywhere. Also you do not want to comprehend the things she was talking about (which granted half of it was bullshit) but still. Don't mess with some waves, stay with direct... Piper

    Damn, it wasn't a lie when they said math is everywhere because IT IS but still, I wanted to have fun with my time limit because I'll be in college this August 12th, and my first class is also Math dafuqqqqq

    (Get the pun? The time limit pun? No? Okay, cool.

    goonietunes July 5, 2024 3:00 am
    I am an engineering major... It is everywhere. Also you do not want to comprehend the things she was talking about (which granted half of it was bullshit) but still. Don't mess with some waves, stay with direct... Piper

    She’s describing how 3-phase power works. It’s how AC voltage travels across transmission lines and gets “stepped” down to a lower voltage that your home appliances can use.

    Piper July 5, 2024 8:17 am
    She’s describing how 3-phase power works. It’s how AC voltage travels across transmission lines and gets “stepped” down to a lower voltage that your home appliances can use. goonietunes

    Oooh! That makes sense. Also I did take basic circuits, I'm still surprised I passed it. We didn't cover this though, just went to DC and AC circuits calculating voltage / current across resistors and diodes and other such things. I've still got one more circuit class.

    Out of curiosity, was what she was saying accurate? I kinda feel bad for the translator too, cuz there's so many places where info could have gotten mixed up. The author not understanding, the translator not understanding, I couldn't tell if the info was accurate cuz honestly circuits aren't my strong point. So I just glossed over it as standard novel science gibberish that was a bit more accurate in terminology than most others.

    Atami July 5, 2024 11:03 am
    Oooh! That makes sense. Also I did take basic circuits, I'm still surprised I passed it. We didn't cover this though, just went to DC and AC circuits calculating voltage / current across resistors and diodes an... Piper

    As a student who chose to Major in Psychology this incoming school year, I feel stupid reading this. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA

    goonietunes July 6, 2024 5:32 am
    Oooh! That makes sense. Also I did take basic circuits, I'm still surprised I passed it. We didn't cover this though, just went to DC and AC circuits calculating voltage / current across resistors and diodes an... Piper

    What’s your major? I just graduated with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, so I recognized the concepts right away. I learned this stuff in a third year class called “energy conversion principles”. Everything she said is how modern power transmission works, including the cost savings of stepping down the voltage, or “magical pressure” as she calls it, which is what a transformer does. She even mentioned how an AC magic (voltage) generator is less complex and more efficient than a DC magic (voltage) generator. I’m impressed that it was translated so accurately. It’s like the concepts were taken from a textbook and they just swapped the word “voltage” with “magical pressure”

    goonietunes July 6, 2024 5:35 am
    Oooh! That makes sense. Also I did take basic circuits, I'm still surprised I passed it. We didn't cover this though, just went to DC and AC circuits calculating voltage / current across resistors and diodes an... Piper

    Anyway, that’s third year stuff for an EE major, but if you’re not EE all you need is basic circuits, so you’re doing great

    goonietunes July 6, 2024 5:39 am
    As a student who chose to Major in Psychology this incoming school year, I feel stupid reading this. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA Atami

    She’s talking about some pretty specialized stuff so there’s no need to feel stupid. Psychology is a great major! Good luck!

    Piper July 8, 2024 12:00 pm
    What’s your major? I just graduated with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, so I recognized the concepts right away. I learned this stuff in a third year class called “energy conversion princi... goonietunes

    I'm only Mechanical Engineering. So ya mostly just basic circuits XD. That's cool though to know it's accurate. That's hella rare O.o