It’s Joever

kk44 July 1, 2024 12:17 am

I’m sorry yall but Jo is mad weird for doing what he did in ch 52. Fucking Ian after he passed out and nutting on his face then trying to act all sweet next chapter? Bffr. We know Ian is a little slutty but the smut with him & Jo lowk rubs me the wrong way sometimes idk. Jo doesn’t know Ian well enough to treat him the way he does during sex. Whereas TJ & Ian have known each other pretty much their whole lives so it makes sense they’d b a little more rough/test each others boundaries. I just don’t trust Jo lowk…he puts on this sweet boy act but there’s def something under the surface

    Plumy July 1, 2024 12:28 am

    Jo never put on a sweet boy act, If he's sweet its because he is, like cooking and fixing house appliances for Ian. But an act? No. Even he told Ian he's not innocent and Ian took notice of it as well. Both know there's something deeper than that and both don't realize how dark it can get. There's no huge ulterior motive most of yall are trying to paint him as.

    juuulya July 1, 2024 1:35 am
    Jo never put on a sweet boy act, If he's sweet its because he is, like cooking and fixing house appliances for Ian. But an act? No. Even he told Ian he's not innocent and Ian took notice of it as well. Both kno... Plumy

    Agreed. Nothing about his character has said anything about him faking being nice. Like, y’all know that nice people just exist, right? Also, ofc you’d want to be extra nice to the person you’re smitten with… now, I’m skeeved about the whole facial thing too, but I think both him making a bad dubcon decision and him having a kind personality can exist simultaneously.

    Plumy July 1, 2024 1:44 am
    Agreed. Nothing about his character has said anything about him faking being nice. Like, y’all know that nice people just exist, right? Also, ofc you’d want to be extra nice to the person you’re smitten w... juuulya

    Yesss agreeing SOOO much on the last line. Two things can coexist simultaneously but most readers thinks is black vs white. It's more like the ying yang here, there can be good in bad and bad in good. Jo can have conflictions but also be kind at the same time. An example is in this chapter too, after the dubious decision Jo did aftercare for Ian.

    kk44 July 1, 2024 2:05 am
    Yesss agreeing SOOO much on the last line. Two things can coexist simultaneously but most readers thinks is black vs white. It's more like the ying yang here, there can be good in bad and bad in good. Jo can ha... Plumy

    Neither of y’all understand what I was really saying. I’m not saying Jo is some evil villian with ulterior motives, but that his character is capable of being darker than people realize. I think that he has another dark side to him that is more similar to TJ then were being led to believe and I think that’s the twist. My literal point is that there are two things existing at once within him but we’ve only ever seen his “sweet side” up until that chapter. I think it’s a preview of the other side of him.

    Plumy July 1, 2024 2:53 am
    Neither of y’all understand what I was really saying. I’m not saying Jo is some evil villian with ulterior motives, but that his character is capable of being darker than people realize. I think that he has... kk44

    Your comment, mainly the last line did not indicate they could coexist. The reply you replied to is me talking about the general audience who can't grasp the idea since there's many comments who have implied they can't coexist.

    mezzo_lvr July 1, 2024 9:23 pm
    Jo never put on a sweet boy act, If he's sweet its because he is, like cooking and fixing house appliances for Ian. But an act? No. Even he told Ian he's not innocent and Ian took notice of it as well. Both kno... Plumy

    His intentions were fake from the very beginning. He told Ian he wanted to just be friends but it was obviously a lie, and cmiiw but he said himself that he's not as nice as ian thinks and that his feeling are not pure and are dangerous, he realized he was getting obsessive and possessive over Ian. Like this chapter is literally showing him meddling in something that does not concern him and also keeping that bandage longer just to gain pity points from Ian so that he could feel guilty how is he not putting on an act?

    kk44 July 1, 2024 11:18 pm
    His intentions were fake from the very beginning. He told Ian he wanted to just be friends but it was obviously a lie, and cmiiw but he said himself that he's not as nice as ian thinks and that his feeling are ... mezzo_lvr

    Clock it. People so badly want to paint this as good guy vs bad guy and TJ is the bad guy Jo is the good guy but it’s more complicated than that. No one is really “good or bad” in this story, their motives are all so complicated and their actions are all somewhat self-motivated, but I think Ian and TJ’s relationship is the most selfless. They’ve loved each other for so long, TJ literally left town to keep Ian safe and Ian said he’d kill the entire gang for TJ. They’re devoted to each other beyond the physical shit & there’s just not enough history between Jo and Ian for them to be there yet if ever.

    chiwon's_wife July 2, 2024 12:21 am
    Clock it. People so badly want to paint this as good guy vs bad guy and TJ is the bad guy Jo is the good guy but it’s more complicated than that. No one is really “good or bad” in this story, their motive... kk44

    Oh TJian are deff very selfless when it comes to each other, the couples are still very imbalanced even now, i don't see how Jo can ever compete with what Tj and Ian have lived ,gone through and done for each other since their childhood.

    Plumy July 2, 2024 7:38 am
    His intentions were fake from the very beginning. He told Ian he wanted to just be friends but it was obviously a lie, and cmiiw but he said himself that he's not as nice as ian thinks and that his feeling are ... mezzo_lvr

    His intentions were never fake, he did want be friends then after caught feelings. He then said they can be just (aka try be) friends because Ian doesn't want a relationship. Jo and Ian know Jo has feelings. How is that even fake intentions when Ian himself know Jo has a crush on him when Jo told him lol the rest of your comment has no point.

    Plumy July 2, 2024 7:44 am
    His intentions were never fake, he did want be friends then after caught feelings. He then said they can be just (aka try be) friends because Ian doesn't want a relationship. Jo and Ian know Jo has feelings. Ho... Plumy

    + has no point when Jo still doesn't put on sweet act when he actually kind despite intervening. It's not an act and him being kind and but also having side that want Ian attention doesn't mean he has real malicious intents most are painting him as