I don't understand your problem with people complaining about the issues old manga have. If you agree that it's fucked up why can't people say it is?
We have to talk about it, it's important that we do, because if we don't we participate in glorifying pedophilia and assault.
And honestly maybe this series should be canceled. I want to see the end so I don't want it to be canceled but the author clearly sees no issue with pedophilia so many years later and it's gross they are promoting it to their young audience.

no one criticised this manga before because they were young too. now they came back to feel, just like you, the “nostalgia” and they realised how bad this manga is. this is purely pedophilic & grooming. the manga stays the same but the readers grows older. we are all closer to haru’s age now. some of us realised how harmful this manga is and some of us (you) don’t. to each their own. had nothing to do with cruelty.

I know how Händel a Manga/manhwa can be bc i Read Both of them. And all sort of Genre so i know at least the Basic what is allowed and what Not. But the world is changing. This is sadly Common too with the age gaps. And yes i know Ppl who did that and i didnt like it but you cant stop that. I Wrote bc of the nostalgia and Said nothing about Not understanding the Problem about it. Read my second comment because it’s logical that being with minors isn’t legal and can be dangerous. Never in my messages I reflected that it’s good and before going into putting something in my mouth I didn’t say or describe right then ask

The work the feelings how its written. The story is going in that derection and when we are young like 12 you can’t see it like you see it now. Like one of the things you said too. It’s ok if you are not for it but now you kinda wanna make me the bad one. But keep going. I don’t have to laugh at you just bc you don’t understand me. Have a great day

If you think that I go this low to be victimised shows u are sick. I know some people so I don’t say/write stuff about things like this without knowing my source. When I don’t know of it I don’t talk about it. But this is a situation I am familiar of and MY opinion like you have yours and the others have. And you are being childish.
This was a time when no one did say something about mangas like this. Now the world is so Crule. I will always appreciate work like this bc I watched this before I was even an adult. And it is part of my childhood and always be some kind of spacial- like vampire knight and some other that ppl are questioning so much