I don't think daiki is ever gonna show us the animal print tattoo ever again😭😭😭

Haru June 30, 2024 6:44 pm

I don't think daiki is ever gonna show us the animal print tattoo ever again

    Shenzinxe June 30, 2024 7:49 pm

    THANK GOD low-key wondering how Joon was still with him even after seeing that ugly ahh tattoo

    insanity_me July 1, 2024 7:27 pm

    bro you can tell the author got bullied to death over it so she hides it as much as possible XD But to be honest I have this weird feeling That one day if the author just completely changed the tattoo for an even half decent looking one. Just like out of nowhere with no heads up. Literally NO ONE would complain or question it. There would just be the unspoken mutual agreement between the fans the creator to act like it never happened. And no one would ever break the illusion. Like it's some weird pact we all just made.

    RZE July 2, 2024 1:29 pm
    THANK GOD low-key wondering how Joon was still with him even after seeing that ugly ahh tattoo Shenzinxe