don’t worry Kainess nation

eiji June 30, 2024 11:05 am

don’t worry Kainess nation

    No. 1 Alexis Ness Hater June 30, 2024 12:37 pm

    please worry, kainess nation, because kaisagi nation will be draggin yo asses though the streets with this chapter.

    Lazy_Potato ( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ) June 30, 2024 12:38 pm

    Bro I'm sorry to say but Kainess is over

    cobrakai1972 June 30, 2024 3:03 pm

    LMAOOOO kainess downfall caught in 4k

    eiji June 30, 2024 5:47 pm
    Bro I'm sorry to say but Kainess is over Lazy_Potato ( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)

    It’s not tho, it’s pretty obvious that they’ll be together again one day in some way. Kaiser pushing away the ball as a kid and then running back to it is a parallel

    No. 1 Alexis Ness Hater June 30, 2024 10:22 pm
    It’s not tho, it’s pretty obvious that they’ll be together again one day in some way. Kaiser pushing away the ball as a kid and then running back to it is a parallel eiji

    i wish i had the amount of confidence you have to be this delusional.

    Lazy_Potato ( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ) July 1, 2024 12:44 am
    It’s not tho, it’s pretty obvious that they’ll be together again one day in some way. Kaiser pushing away the ball as a kid and then running back to it is a parallel eiji

    Bro's delulu, but if it actually happens then good for you really

    eiji July 3, 2024 12:59 pm
    Bro's delulu, but if it actually happens then good for you really Lazy_Potato ( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)

    Not gonna take anything from a person who uses the word ‘delulu’

    Lazy_Potato ( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ) July 3, 2024 3:39 pm
    Not gonna take anything from a person who uses the word ‘delulu’ eiji

    Ok. And I'm not gonna take anything from someone who can't accept reality

    bishounensupremacy July 4, 2024 8:20 pm
    please worry, kainess nation, because kaisagi nation will be draggin yo asses though the streets with this chapter. No. 1 Alexis Ness Hater

    kainess shipper here but that isagi panel right after kaiser said "i wanna be loved" was crazy yall win this one fr

    bishounensupremacy July 4, 2024 8:22 pm
    It’s not tho, it’s pretty obvious that they’ll be together again one day in some way. Kaiser pushing away the ball as a kid and then running back to it is a parallel eiji

    yup whatever kaneshiro plans to do with them pretty clear this wont be the end of it. i dont think its possible for any ship other than maybe nagi reo to be %100 canon though

    cobrakai1972 July 5, 2024 1:43 am
    yup whatever kaneshiro plans to do with them pretty clear this wont be the end of it. i dont think its possible for any ship other than maybe nagi reo to be %100 canon though bishounensupremacy

    None of them are canon, nagireo is also a friendship. I swear y’all never seen an Asian same sex friendship bc I swear we be very intimate and it’s not at all sexual.

    This is also a soccer manga, but ofc at the end of the day, you can perceived these relationships how you want or hc them.

    bishounensupremacy July 5, 2024 7:12 am
    None of them are canon, nagireo is also a friendship. I swear y’all never seen an Asian same sex friendship bc I swear we be very intimate and it’s not at all sexual. This is also a soccer manga, but ofc at... cobrakai1972

    i swear yall have zero reading comprehension bc canon and potential of being canon arent the same thing asian same sex friendships?? i live in asia or do you only consider east asians asian? if yall seen a male and female character act the same way they would be confirmed canon period but nah theyre only strictly platonic male friends bc theyre men wow bullet proof logic

    okay its a soccer manga so... have you never seen canon ships in sports manga? the author has an supernatural action manga where he made the mc kiss another guy for multiple pages whats stopping him in soccer?

    eiji July 5, 2024 8:05 am
    kainess shipper here but that isagi panel right after kaiser said "i wanna be loved" was crazy yall win this one fr bishounensupremacy

    That doesn’t make any sense

    bishounensupremacy July 5, 2024 10:15 am
    That doesn’t make any sense eiji


    eiji July 5, 2024 11:34 am

    Kaveh pfp ofc..

    cobrakai1972 July 5, 2024 2:37 pm
    i swear yall have zero reading comprehension bc canon and potential of being canon arent the same thing asian same sex friendships?? i live in asia or do you only consider east asians asian? if yall seen a male... bishounensupremacy

    Girl what? What does his other story have to do with this one? Idc if he wrote yaoi or even yuri before; this is a SOCCER manga. There has been no hints of romance LMAO. No reading compression but you said “ i dont think its possible for any ship other than maybe nagi reo to be %100 canon though” implying u think nagireo is canon.
    It’s not. It’s just your HC.

    No I’ve seen close female and male friendships and I also dislike it when ppl ship them, like Denji and power, geto and shoko etc so no your argument is invalid. And my bad, I didn’t mean to invalid your ethnicity but mostly Americans always think a same sex close friendship is gay ngl cuz in our culture it’s not weird to be close. I mean… but ship to your hearts content, u do u man.

    bishounensupremacy July 5, 2024 3:39 pm
    Girl what? What does his other story have to do with this one? Idc if he wrote yaoi or even yuri before; this is a SOCCER manga. There has been no hints of romance LMAO. No reading compression but you said “ ... cobrakai1972

    if i thought they were canon i would have just said no ship is canon except for nagireo the key word is possibility but yh who am i to judge others reading comprehension its not my first language we dont even speak english here lmao

    you have given me 0 valid reason why they cant be canon in the future though. is it not possible for there to be romance in any other genre than romance? the queer baiting has been pretty damn obvious even the author said he wrote them in a way that can be interpreted romantically, since he has nothing against writing queer relationships to the point he would have a uber detailed scene of two men making out in a (non BL) action series its really not that unrealistic

    bishounensupremacy July 5, 2024 3:41 pm
    Kaveh pfp ofc.. eiji


    cobrakai1972 July 5, 2024 4:33 pm
    if i thought they were canon i would have just said no ship is canon except for nagireo the key word is possibility but yh who am i to judge others reading comprehension its not my first language we dont even s... bishounensupremacy

    Ok lol