Well, we can’t know this but novel readers have explained that Dullan is better looking here. In the novel he’s much more repulsive and also has a bad smell about him. There simply is nothing likable about him. Not to mention
he basically doesn’t seem the FL as human. He doesn’t realize that she suffers through all that regression. That it’s what drove her mad. He looks at her regression as something divine and basically kills or killed her once even as he knows/knew she was pregnant. In fact, it’s BECAUSE he knew she was pregnant with his child that he killed her.

I’m just glad I never saw the appeal in his character. Plus I found out early on that he was meant to look and smell worse than we’ve seen so far, so there’s no way that was a ML. Also I only vaguely remember this, but I’m pretty sure he played various roles in her previous deaths.
To me, Raymond has always felt like the key to her endless dying simply because she seems certain that it’s a because he never loved her and she now rejected the notion of him being the key for it.
Is Raymond the ML? or Dullan?