my favorite thing about joobin and doh baek-un's past and current relationship is that they weren't right for each other, but they still *got* each other. they saw each other's flaws, but unlike how joobin and yikyung are able to communicate and support each other, they didn't have a good open relationship for discussion. it really shows just how much character growth both of them have had, to be able to talk with each other, bring them up, and give advice without being bitter. <3
my favorite thing about joobin and doh baek-un's past and current relationship is that they weren't right for each other, but they still *got* each other. they saw each other's flaws, but unlike how joobin and yikyung are able to communicate and support each other, they didn't have a good open relationship for discussion. it really shows just how much character growth both of them have had, to be able to talk with each other, bring them up, and give advice without being bitter. <3