lolol i feel the comments who wanted gido to be end game, i’m not mad mc ended up with d...

loveia June 30, 2024 3:54 am

lolol i feel the comments who wanted gido to be end game, i’m not mad mc ended up with director though don’t get me wrong. i think i just feel this way because i’ve also went through what gido and mc went through, with both having feelings for eachother but not confessing due to the guilt of it and being scared of loosing what you’ve had together, then only confessing years after when those feelings are gone and having a laugh about it. ╥﹏╥

also mc is relatable af and i know we dont live in an omegaverse but when he said he was tired of everything and felt “secluded” i really related to that because of societies expectations and not understanding the people around him
