Oh no...

Knkz97 June 30, 2024 1:00 am

Idk why no one is bringing this up but... My heart hurts so much seeing that the flower Inwoo bought for jiho ended up in his mother arms. Damn it jiho, in this entire chapter, I hated that the most. If I was Inwoo I would think "TF?? I bought them FOR YOU" But inwoo can't even complain as he knew jiho didn't like it if their relationship is known by others. I wonder if this also added to him feeling so pissed off. Like, a lot is going on in this one too.
1. The flowers
2. Suddenly mother appear without consultation, and AFTER He looks forward the date so much that he ACTUALLY bought him flowers
3. Jiho didn't say they are partners --> added to his insecurities about all, no?
4. Mom said she knows but never tried to contact him/reach out to him.

I know Jiho means well but I think instead of trying to understand Inwoo, he just... felt "sorry" and "pitied" Inwoo and that is so... sad. Imagine getting pitied by ur partner. In Inwoo case especially, being pitied for his entire life and hated it, but then again he kinda thinks that if it was what made Jiho stay with him... Like Jiho goes "poor Inwoo... I must do something to help him!" instead of "buddy, I can see your pain, so share ur pain and let's try to solve it yeah?"

This time I saw things more from Inwoo's side, I really can't defend Jiho at all for how he does things. I know Inwoo has been lying about his condition but it was obviously his insecurities acting up, because he isn't even sure Jiho truly stays with him because he likes him. I'm not even mad that Inwoo get so pissed off that he got unrespectful towards his partner, because he obviously has loses his mind.

    blehhhh June 30, 2024 1:06 am

    i only read the first sentence of ur comment but its so true bc y would he give her the flowers when they were clearly for him?? So messed up imo

    ... June 30, 2024 1:10 am

    THIS. you worded it so well i think i fell in love with you a bit

    sha June 30, 2024 1:32 am

    So true

    Nicole June 30, 2024 1:59 am

    Best comment written in manago history it’s actually FOCKIN WILD that jiho set up a surprise meeting for his bf and his mother who LEFT HIM THIS IS RIDICULOUS

    Knkz97 June 30, 2024 4:32 am
    Best comment written in manago history it’s actually FOCKIN WILD that jiho set up a surprise meeting for his bf and his mother who LEFT HIM THIS IS RIDICULOUS Nicole

    OH YES, RIDICULOUS IS A PERFECT WORD. It must be because jiho grew up with a loving family, I bet he can't even imagine how hard it has been for Inwoo... and thought his mother making up with Inwoo will make Inwoo feel better, when, NOPE. The mother will be the one that feel better. Even though she should've been the one who knows the best how hard it is to live in that house

    Now that I say this I began to admire the author for not breaking their character tho. Shameless mother, bottled up Inwoo that burst out eventually, and insensitive Jiho (by no means he is bad, but he has ALWAYS been insensitive)

    Knkz97 June 30, 2024 4:38 am
    i only read the first sentence of ur comment but its so true bc y would he give her the flowers when they were clearly for him?? So messed up imo blehhhh

    IKR??? Imagine bringing flower and get excited at how your partner will react but then he goes "this flower is for you ma'am". and to the mother he was so disappointed at?? The mother goes "oh gosh! Do I deserve such a pretty flower?" NOPE YOU DON'T

    Knkz97 June 30, 2024 4:38 am
    THIS. you worded it so well i think i fell in love with you a bit ...

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