I cannot drink coffee straight, it's too bitter. I can drink it if there is sugar, chocolate, caramel, whipped cream, milk, caramel crunchie things and such. I once told a coworker (who had a coffee maker in his office) if coffee actually tasted like it smelled, I'd be a coffee drinker. He said "you haven't had the right coffee then", and I said "that's my point".
My thing is that 1) this is a diff time period in a diff world with diff cuisine. Coffee would be very foreign to their taste pallet. Think of when an Asian person comes to the US and suddenly tries US cuisine or vice versa. Usually requires some adapting before people acquire a taste for another cultures foods. 2) some people genuinely cannot have that amount of caffeine or sugar. I also know quite a few people allergic to coffee itself or allergic to cockroaches and thereby became allergic to coffee as a byproduct. I find it hard to believe that the Victorian times aren’t infested with cockroaches.
True true. I don’t mind coffee. I like it occasionally, especially if I’m particularly hypoglycemic, but I honestly get sick of it in large amounts. Especially if it’s a food/sweet that’s coffee flavor. Idk how people can tolerate more than a single scoop of coffee ice cream for instance. The flavor becomes nauseating in large amounts
I wish there was literally anyone that didn't like coffee that she simply couldn't win over. Because although this story makes it seem like it is and made me feel like I have to try to like it again, I really don't like coffee, it's too bitter and I simply don't like the taste, no matter how much milk and sugar is added, I have never thought coffee tasted good. Sometimes I just think it's tolerable, like in tiramisu.
Anyway, I don't wanna be a hater, coffee is obviously extremely popular in real life, I just think that the "and everyone loved it and it became a huge it" for every single new thing she invents is kinda ridiculous.
Especially the white chocolate thing, because that's actually NOT very popular in real life. I like it though lol