Lmao I don’t understand why he’s so surprised that happened to him when he just told s...

cunt June 29, 2024 10:01 am

Lmao I don’t understand why he’s so surprised that happened to him when he just told someone to die lmaooo

    Cid June 29, 2024 10:07 am

    If someone told that to you will you give in? What do you think is the right approach about that?

    .•♛. Empire Yaoi.♛•. June 29, 2024 10:46 am
    If someone told that to you will you give in? What do you think is the right approach about that? Cid

    Sadly.. I'm not sure if that CEO was good or bad but he looked really desperate and depressed so when MC told him to die I was hella ready to slap his face.. that's not how you deal with a person who is saying they'll commit suicide........ also he didn't seem to feel bad about it on chapter 1 as he was already thinking about how people will forget about all that eventually and he can move on with a new Composer name/label (during his convo with his sister).. Man.. That's a human life that just ended and he had a hand in it.. He clearly only has himself in his mind and a tiny space for his father and sister.

    I did feel bad about the rumors however that was just the consequence of his behaviour that led to someone having that "push" to take their own life.

    Also can't use his desperation to earn money as an excuse to neglect spending time with family. He rarely answered his sister's calls as well. She's clearly struggling with her own life plus taking care of her sick father and being the only one to bear the news that's he's dying because MC was so busy with his own life. I don't blame the sister when she wanted to cut him off from her life cuz he was toxic for her.

    Anyways I've only read Chapter 1 because I'm marinating this but I don't side with MC at all. However I hope that he uses his 2nd chance well and do better this time around. Hoping Mr. CEO lives a better life this time around as well.

    Cid June 29, 2024 11:03 am
    Sadly.. I'm not sure if that CEO was good or bad but he looked really desperate and depressed so when MC told him to die I was hella ready to slap his face.. that's not how you deal with a person who is saying ... .•♛. Empire Yaoi.♛•.

    Well yeah he handles that suicide treat poorly but depending on the person who asked. He provokes him, yes but I don't think it his fault. Yes he's desperate but there should be someone other the MC he can asked help with. Threatening someone of suicide is a big no no.

    Tbh, I don't think he is bad. He does things poorly yes. But rumors will be handle greatly if done right.

    About the family part, you can't blame him as someone facing rumors like that plus his father has cancer, mentally and physically, he's exhausted. He can definitely not think straight in that situation. I've seen many people like that especially the ones who is came from and still in poverty.

    Bet you will all done the same if you were in MC's shoes unless you're rich and mentally stable.

    .•♛. Empire Yaoi.♛•. June 29, 2024 12:16 pm
    Well yeah he handles that suicide treat poorly but depending on the person who asked. He provokes him, yes but I don't think it his fault. Yes he's desperate but there should be someone other the MC he can aske... Cid

    Umm NO lol.
    I won't be telling anyone "Just Die" if I were on MC's shoes even if I'm confused, exhausted, in debt, or desperate.

    It isn't all his fault but he was the trigger.
    Suicidal people usually have that phase when they would tell someone they wanna off themselves as a call for help. Never assume that it's only a threat or to garner attention because we're talking about an actual emergency here.

    The CEO's words might sound threatening but that's because they were cornered (mentally) and needed someone to at least lend them a hand to get back up. HOWEVER MC chose to ignore that person's pleas who was desperately asking for help and even told him to just do it. JUST DIE.
    People don't just grovel on the floor like that. Only really desperate people do and if you see someone do that to you the normal response is to make them stand back up. Normal people would even panic and grab them to help them stand. Unless you're in that "I'm Superior than Thou" Bullshit mentality then you would watch that scene and not think much about it like what MC did on chapter 1.

    Also if he was really concerned about his father and sister then he would be there. Like his sister said he ignored most of her calls. MC was more focused on flaunting his so called "Genius" talent that he neglected them. His sister wouldn't just cut ties like that if he was really there for them.
    If you actually read Chapter 1 then you can see that MC was very focused on himself and himself alone. Even when knowing his father was dying his first choice was to get his career back on track again instead of spending time with him on his remaining time alive.

    He didn't feel sorry about what had happened to the CEO and said that that incident will eventually be forgotten. He will use a new name to produce songs again.

    Also like I said the rumors are just consequences borne from his actions.
    Sure he can sue them but even then him being the trigger to someone's death will still remain no matter what he does. He can prove the other rumors false but he can't prove he didn't pull that trigger when he told someone to "Just Die".

    Anyways it's amazing how you don't see that what MC did was SO wrong. What he did was REALLY BAD! So many successful suicide these days because people choose not to see, listen and try to understand. That CEO wouldn't beg like that if he had anyone else to help them. MC could've handled that better by telling him he can help but he'll need time instead of saying JUST DIE.

    Also wealth doesn't matter. When Depression hits, it doesn't choose who it'll attack lol.
    There's so many people who are rich and still chose to commit suicide because of this ILLNESS. Even if you're well off and have no financial struggles doesn't mean Depression won't come knocking at your door.

    Cid June 30, 2024 4:53 am
    Umm NO lol.I won't be telling anyone "Just Die" if I were on MC's shoes even if I'm confused, exhausted, in debt, or desperate. It isn't all his fault but he was the trigger.Suicidal people usually have that ph... .•♛. Empire Yaoi.♛•.

    I didn't say you will also say "just die" to a suicidal person. I said you will also focus on work more than your family because of the situation. I guess you misunderstood that part clearly or I didn't explain it enough for you to understand that.

    I already get that part of him being the trigger. I already said he handles that suicide scene poorly.

    Though, he already said he don't, as an artist/producer, he can't just made it half-heartedly cuz if it became a flop, CEO will definitely gonna suicidal again.

    Yes, he's arrogant. Genius artists were. It's nothing new but thinking he doesn't care of his family then read again.

    Yes, it looks like he's self centered but where does all of his efforts and money go from? It is for his father who has a cancer. Cancer is expensive if you don't know. Even health insurance doesn't cover all expenses. I know, I've been there. We're just lucky that there's a lot of people help us in finances since I'm college student and have no income that time.

    He is trying to get back desperately cuz that's the only thing he knows to do.

    As an eldest child, he is pressured to be the provider for his family that he didn't have time to spend. I would definitely call him as as$h0le if he didn't come even in emegency times but he did. Many people did this for their family and thought that providing money is enough not knowing that spending time with your family is also important.

    Suicide is not his fault he knows that and that's the reason why he's not guilty. And it is not only people who is DESPERATE are the ones begging and treaten like that. Do you know who else does that? SHAMELESS people, once they saw you let your guard down they will stab you in the back. And most people don't know how to handle suicidal people correctly.

    And I disagree with you when you said, rumors is his karma. I would consider it if all of that is true but it is definitely not. If you read carefully, all the comments were from people who hate him. All the rumors were baseless. I see to it that HATERS are having bashing festival cuz they all have a "valid" reason to ruin him.

    Yes, what he did is wrong but I don't think he's bad person. I honestly though he's a victim of circumstances.

    And I will say it again when I said you will also DO the SAME if you are also IN the situation your family had HEALTH issues and you have NO INCOME. You will also HUSSLE like MC so you can provide for the family.

    Well, I don't expect anyone to understand what I'm saying cuz people have different opinion and perseption on the matter. Besides people will always believe in what they believe in no matter what they believe in is right or wrong. So I already said my case though there's a lot of misunderstandings.
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Yaoi Spammer JCL June 30, 2024 11:05 am
    I didn't say you will also say "just die" to a suicidal person. I said you will also focus on work more than your family because of the situation. I guess you misunderstood that part clearly or I didn't explain... Cid

    Reading your comments I can see that you're a person who only thinks about 1 side and fully backs them up even turning a blind eye to the things they did wrong. "Shameless"? You clearly need to educate yourself when it comes to mental health because clearly you don't know anything. You're one of those people that could turn to be the next trigger because "many people don't know how to handle suicidal people properly". Mental Health issues didn't just come out these past few days. It's been happening for a long time and with the internet it is much easier to find "help" and educate yourself.
    I could see that the first thing in your mind is siding with the main character because his life was made a mess because of the haters' rumors but like the other commenter said he can easily prove that he didn't do those fake rumors but he cannot prove he didn't have a hand in someone's death either. Even if he clear his name from the fake rumors it wouldn't erase what he has done. The suicide is not his fault? Then you clearly have no idea what a "trigger" means so why did you agree, bragging you get it. It seems you agreed and then dismissed that topic altogether by saying he handled it poorly and he's "not guilty" when he clearly is. If you actually try to understand that situation he didn't just handle it poorly he handled it horribly which caused someone's death. Just because he wasn't the one to actually kill the CEO doesn't mean he's not guilty. His words killed that CEO.
    The mc is a good person and son when it comes to paying the bills but otherwise for the way he treats people he is not. Being a genius doesn't excuse his arrogance nor does it excuse him from the way he undermines others. If he was a good person all those people wouldn't just turn their backs on him. His sister wouldn't just cut ties with him as well. You should read again not the other commenter ROFL. Even the sister knows it was better to cut ties with him.
    That is the whole purpose of this webtoon, for the main character to correct his wrongdoings. Even the author knows their character was a bad person and gave him a chance to change for the better so I don't understand how you think he's not a bad person. You must be a saint.

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ You really need to educate yourself with mental health bro. Don't just dismiss these people as "shameless" or opportunistic. Many people commit suicide because of thoughtless people like you who brand them as "this kind of person" and "that kind of person" without trying to understand their circumstances.
    Ignorance is bliss is just an excuse. There's the internet and many educational articles about this illness. Yes. It's an illness. Just like cancer it's the cancer of the mind. It really kills and just because "people don't know how to handle it properly" doesn't mean they can go and tell people to just die like the main character did and think no wrongdoing was done because of his words.

    The Verdict: The MC is GUILTY lol

    Cid June 30, 2024 3:06 pm
    Reading your comments I can see that you're a person who only thinks about 1 side and fully backs them up even turning a blind eye to the things they did wrong. "Shameless"? You clearly need to educate yourself... Yaoi Spammer JCL

    I didn't turn a blind eye on his wrong doings I already said that. If that's what you think then go, no one stopping you. This is just what I think about the situation. Like I said not everybody will agree with me because we all have different perception on the matter.

    And you might be right that I might do the same with the MC. Do you still think of me as saint now you know I might do it as well?

    Internet? Maybe, I can cuz I have one. But you failed to see not everyone have access to internet especially in my country. Don't expect anyone to be as knowlegdeable as you. Besides most people were on social media than searching for ways how to handle suicide correctly unless they came across the similar situation and they have an access to the internet at the same time so they can ask for "help" you are saying.

    Ignorance is bliss is REALLY just an excuse so you are free to judge people without knowing or caring about their circumstances. It's so easy right?
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Take it or not, it doesn't matter. That is what you believe in. Do whatever you want. I already said this is how I see this. I'm not bragging or what. What would I brag about? I just reading. And to me I'm just explaining why I didn't see it as bad as y'all saying.

    He's guilty? Well that's your own verdict. MC didn't felt guilty to that even when he's "dying" he never regret that he didn't give a song to that CEO.

    Of course this is just a story, it's not like I would do the same IRL cuz I know now with the help of internet right?

    All I can say is, the author didn't make it worse for me to say that he is EVIL like you all seems to be saying. Yes he did wrong, people always do, so what is important now is how he can fix it like a responsible people do.

    I won't say anymore since it seems you all perceive me as a bad person anyway. Good for you, good person who is knowledgeable about mental health. Go spread this info on the social media so at least people with internet can get educated.

    Yaoi Spammer JCL June 30, 2024 3:39 pm
    I didn't turn a blind eye on his wrong doings I already said that. If that's what you think then go, no one stopping you. This is just what I think about the situation. Like I said not everybody will agree with... Cid

    You're full of excuses. No matter what you say as a human being you don't tell people to "Just Die". Telling that to someone already makes you guilty.
    I can't imagine how you'll feel if one of your loved one was told to "Just Die" by someone and they do it. Would you still think the person who told your loved one that did nothing wrong? They're not guilty? Haha.
    But yeah like you said this is just a story however some people learn life lessons from it. In your case however. You have a filter so explaining is no use.
    You just keep evading and making excuses because you don't want to admit you're wrong.
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
    Also stop using your country in this. Even people who don't use the internet know what to say and not to say in situations like that.

    Cid June 30, 2024 4:01 pm
    You're full of excuses. No matter what you say as a human being you don't tell people to "Just Die". Telling that to someone already makes you guilty.I can't imagine how you'll feel if one of your loved one was... Yaoi Spammer JCL

    Excuses? I see. Okay, that's how you see it. Well, I can confidently say to someone who ever said "Just die" to a love one who is suicidal that it is not his/her fault. I can forgive them. But seems you're not.

    I disagree with you that people who don't use internet know what to say and not to say in that situation. I can confidently say even people with internet doesn't know. You are so wrong about that.

    I'm just making an example of my country, though it still have some suicidal cases here and there we don't have high suicide rate here. Well I guess, you don't care about that so I won't say anymore. Since you won't listen anyway and you just going to whine "excuses, excuses" dismissing me because you know you're also wrong.

    Yaoi Spammer JCL June 30, 2024 4:11 pm
    Excuses? I see. Okay, that's how you see it. Well, I can confidently say to someone who ever said "Just die" to a love one who is suicidal that it is not his/her fault. I can forgive them. But seems you're not.... Cid

    (▰˘◡˘▰) you're pathetic

    Cid June 30, 2024 4:13 pm
    (▰˘◡˘▰) you're pathetic Yaoi Spammer JCL

    Yes, you're also. Thank you!

    Cid June 30, 2024 4:18 pm
    (▰˘◡˘▰) you're pathetic Yaoi Spammer JCL

    Lol. After all of that discussion then this is your reply. Lmao.

    Don't assume next time, okay? Like I said not all people are as knowledgeable as you. So don't assume that it is given that people knows. You're commenting like you actually care when it's not.

    Broaden your horizon, not all you can see is true. You have to know if what you're drinking is water, sprite or soju. Don't be naive!

    Yaoi Spammer JCL June 30, 2024 4:20 pm
    Lol. After all of that discussion then this is your reply. Lmao.Don't assume next time, okay? Like I said not all people are as knowledgeable as you. So don't assume that it is given that people knows. You're c... Cid

    Because there's no point speaking to a dumbass? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Cid June 30, 2024 4:24 pm
    Because there's no point speaking to a dumbass? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Yaoi Spammer JCL

    Like yourself? True!

    Actually there's no point speaking to a person who thinks opposite of you. Clearly, people will always have different views on things. Though it is still good to read some people's thoughts about the matter even if you don't agree with them.

    .•♛. Empire Yaoi.♛•. June 30, 2024 4:28 pm
    Because there's no point speaking to a dumbass? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Yaoi Spammer JCL

    That's why I stopped replying haha. You should just mute notifications for this. There's really no point talking to someone like this. Anyways muting this
    Going to continue reading my stuffs. Bye

    Cid June 30, 2024 4:28 pm
    That's why I stopped replying haha. You should just mute notifications for this. There's really no point talking to someone like this. Anyways muting this Going to continue reading my stuffs. Bye .•♛. Empire Yaoi.♛•.

    Good reading!

    Yaoi Spammer JCL June 30, 2024 4:30 pm
    That's why I stopped replying haha. You should just mute notifications for this. There's really no point talking to someone like this. Anyways muting this Going to continue reading my stuffs. Bye .•♛. Empire Yaoi.♛•.

    Have fun reading (▰˘◡˘▰)