zhenya just proves that pretty privilege exists cus if it was some ugly mf people would be DRAGGING him ㅠㅠ
they use the fact that he and taekjoo end up together in the end and say that he gets character development when he still r@pes taekjoo in one of the side stories. some people are delusionaaalllll

People also don’t talk about how the victimized characters in comics are usually written to accommodate the behavior of their abuser. They always just walk away with no long term trauma responses, randomly aren’t that bothered by it, magically get over their trauma at a convenient plot point, or just fall in love and forgive everything. If you really look at the details, so many bottom (yaoi) and female (josei) characters don’t even have a real personality within their relationship. Their built around not making the toxic love interest look as horrible as they are, so their responses often don’t make sense and they get dragged for being doormats, stupid, wishy washy, etc.. when it’s really just that those traits are necessary to maintain the shitty relationship the author set up with a person who is objectively not capable of maintaining a decent relationship.
i cannot peacefully die until i see zhenya groveling at death's door, crawling and begging to spare his life !!1!1!! don't end up together pls!!