Tired of yall victim blaming

Yuu08 June 29, 2024 1:35 am

People saying things like "she's such a pushover," "why is she still staying with that man?" "if someone tried to do that to me, I would break up with them," "I'm blaming the woman for not leaving," "how can you accept those things?" "I’d never be in this situation because I'm a strong person," and "I don't understand how you can be so blind," need to shut the fuck up. You obviously haven't been in a manipulative or abusive relationship.

When a woman is in an abusive and manipulative relationship, she can feel like she is losing her mind—or even develop psychiatric symptoms—if her partner repeatedly denies the obvious realities of her life, including the abuse. The more serious the incidents he denies, the more her grip on reality can start to slip. She has loved this man for a long time and still wants to give him chances. It is frustrating to hear people say she is a pushover and needs to stand up for herself when she has faced years of gaslighting and manipulation, making her feel worthless and unattractive.

I'm so tired of people saying things like this and acting like they would do so much better. Instead of hating or nagging about her choices, direct your anger at the man who caused her to feel this way. Yall need help.

    Maniya June 29, 2024 1:46 am

    SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!! Like omfg guys, this story isn't about you

    People who says that do not know what it's like to be SILENCED and I hope it stays that way because it drives you MAD.

    chocobuun June 29, 2024 1:51 am

    Exactlyyy. It’s so easy to tell from how she just reacts and lives her life even without the husband being in contact with her. She’s in a sort of depressive state. It’s different from the usual mc’s in toxic relationships that always are naive and make excuses for their partner due to love. She doesn’t do that but thinks it’s normal instead.

    Miko June 29, 2024 1:51 am

    Love you for this. People really think theyre better than everyone and dont know how abused-abuser relationship works. People focus on the wrong thing always and as if victim blaming will ever help the abused

    Wonyz June 29, 2024 3:21 am

    I feel like to understand her you need to have a certain degree of understanding what it’s like being a woman, especially a woman in her 30s who’s married in Korea, Korea is already a very misogynistic country where marriages like this is normal and a woman her age “past her prime” so sticking with this is the “best” for a woman her age in her and society’s pov

    lizy June 29, 2024 3:44 am

    Ur so right. All these vicim blaming ahs are mentally behind.

    vee :P June 29, 2024 4:37 am

    YES!! People seriously need to understand she’s a victim of domestic abuse like give her time ppl she simply can’t up and leave especially in this situation :(