The kidnapping was out of left field. They didn’t even listen to her opinion. If she was old enough to be ‘sold’ off then she should be old enough to have an opinion. And how exactly did they think that was going to end? It’s stupid, what she vanishes along with the entire family the same night you dropped her off? You think he would just be okay with that esp since he asked for her hand.

isn't the fl like... actually a child tho? shes like sixteen isnt she? a very sheltered, coddled sixteen year old. she behaves like a very naive teen.
her family is really goofy for the way they are getting on after they allowed her to marry this man. the way they suddenly infantalize her after deeming her old enough to be married is so annoying
The FL behaves like a 5 year old and her family treats her like one... It's disgusting the infantile way they portray her...
I'm close to dropping this... The premise was so good too, why does the author have to ruin it?