I hope Dochan is not endgame. I hope he ends up uth someone who loves him and is not ambivalent. Also why tf did the author write a character who is so self sacrificial because honestly this isn’t a multi year relationship where Dochan is so attached he’d let himself be all walked over, the man is diving into this on purpose, it’s only been like two weeks he can leave, no harm no fowl. He’s putting himself in this situation. I hate the MC.
I hope Dochan is not endgame. I hope he ends up uth someone who loves him and is not ambivalent. Also why tf did the author write a character who is so self sacrificial because honestly this isn’t a multi year relationship where Dochan is so attached he’d let himself be all walked over, the man is diving into this on purpose, it’s only been like two weeks he can leave, no harm no fowl. He’s putting himself in this situation. I hate the MC.