I've been in a reading slump so it's been a while since I've binge read a manhwa. This is ...

nimonomino June 28, 2024 5:52 am

I've been in a reading slump so it's been a while since I've binge read a manhwa. This is so good omg. Stayed up all night reading it, finished it in a day because I couldn't put it down lolol. The storyline was so good, kept me on edge. The character development was also good. The way she didn't immediately start liking him in the 2nd lifetime and had conflicting emotions and past traumas, it was super refreshing and well written. Can't wait for more chapters to see how it ends.
Funny how indifferent he was in the beginning and now all he can think about is her hskdhkdjeldjd. Love my precious babiessss
