Reading this reignited my passion for Lolita fashion

Freckles June 27, 2024 8:39 pm

Went out today dressed in Lolita. Though it has been a long time, and I was quite nervous, nothing negative happened besides a few stares. Other than that I got nothing but positive compliments and questions. Life is too short. As long as you're not harming anybody, and it's the appropriate setting, wear what you want.
You are all beautiful enjoy your life. Don't waste it trying to please everybody else.


    Cam July 11, 2024 6:25 am

    I bet you looked absolutely breathtaking walking the streets in your being. I can imagine how much time and effort it could’ve took you to be able to out in lolita. Supporting you in your journeys!!

    Noeel July 11, 2024 11:56 am

    Fuckkk I'm a man, I really want to wear lolita
    Maybe in the next life if I'm a girl

    Cam July 11, 2024 4:36 pm
    Fuckkk I'm a man, I really want to wear lolita Maybe in the next life if I'm a girl Noeel

    Hey man! You can still wear lolita, who says you can’t even as a man? I personally think the charm on a man is when they’re bathing in their true self. Not lost men know how to be their true selves so when they find out something they like I love when they take action to it. Build your confidence because this life will be the only one you can experience it for now.

    kuromiswife July 12, 2024 6:36 pm
    Fuckkk I'm a man, I really want to wear lolita Maybe in the next life if I'm a girl Noeel

    Men can wear lolita. It's not like there's a law banning it. As the person above responded, people look the best as their true self. I'm sure you'd look stunning adorned in lolita. I sincerely hope you try it, at least once.