Dzammm I'm literally tearing up rn. This has to be one of those quite mellow endings that...

CallmeSick June 27, 2024 5:29 pm

Dzammm I'm literally tearing up rn.
This has to be one of those quite mellow endings that clenches my heart. I never thought that the funniest start could keep me awake at midnight just because of the drama and the emotional ride. The first few chapters were so light and funny that I wasn't expecting the drama. The story was well written and laid out so thoroughly that the drama and angst didn't feel strange. The flow was smooth and the argument "which happens in a relationship" were so natural that I feel all the sadness in my heart. The thing Ibby said "But you're not everything." almost send me bawling. How can those words be so hurtful but so right? I'll definitely remember these words. I've read a lot of stories which ended with their partners being their everything. Only this series thought me how some people can never be our everything. Like Seo-Oh said "I'm not the one who determines where you belong. You're the one who decides that." I love how he embraced the truth despite having Ibby by his side who changed him to be better. It must've really been hard for him. The last chapters where resolves and new beginnings, but the atmosphere gave it (in my perspective) a melancholic vibe which clenches my heart. It send me some kind of vibe like, ""it's sad but things and people change, and not everything will remain the same. And that people have new chapters in their life."" Reading till the end made me feel like I've been part of their life somehow. The situations we're reality relatable that it's not hard to love Ibby, Seo-oh and the other characters. This ended so nicely yet I'm being all emotional lmao.

But I definitely need this now, actually. Coz I truly realized that one should move on and not always stay within his/her comfort zones.
Lastly, this series really is a slap in the face. Both mentally (reality wise) and it also hurts my single life huhuhuhu
