So glad that this series handles drama in a realistic and mature way. Two characters that ...

bi-lateral_general June 27, 2024 4:47 pm

So glad that this series handles drama in a realistic and mature way. Two characters that focus their own growth instead of just the relationship itself makes my heart happy. Loved how respectful and accepting the parents and friends were. Subaru deserves the world and Tougo is happy to give that to him and more (and of course this works the other way around too!). I loved how Tougo never made a big deal out of Subaru’s disability, but at the same time never made light of it either??? He takes it seriously (like with the apartment) but also has no trouble accommodating. Like he doesn’t even mention it, just is happy to pick Subaru up or push his wheelchair (even asking permission I’m so happy)!!! Love love love, I’m happy to know there’s a volume 3!
