Uke is getting on my last mf nerve getting mad at seme for having a causal relationship wi...

Irrational Hater June 27, 2024 3:38 am

Uke is getting on my last mf nerve getting mad at seme for having a causal relationship with ONE other person while he switched girlfriends like clothes, which he didn’t treat them all that well either. He’s had multiple relationships where he was an ass boyfriend yet gets mad at seme for having one relationship where he treats the other decently. Seme deserves someone who’ll love him proudly and wholeheartedly not the trash uke with a victim mentality.

He said sum like “I’m not sure ab this relationship” yet was the one who suggested they kiss bc he was jealous when he has no right to be. Also uke had the audacity to say that shit with the intention to HURT seme and added salt when he met with his ex gf out of spite.

And I see the cmts justifying ukes horrible behavior and saying the seme is the one in the wrong like huh?!? Did we read the same shit?!? It was implied that uke knew seme and the blue haired guy had a small thing from the beginning so the seme didn’t hide the fact they were together. And I see a cmt saying seme was selfish for telling uke of their relationship at all, but if uke happen to find out on his own later on, then y’all would call seme trash.

Seme was nothing but perfection, hid his crush bc he wanted uke to find his own happiness, repeatedly asked for consent, constantly makes uke favorite food, nvr gets mad at all of ukes hot and cold attitude. Like I get being kind doesn’t entitle seme to ukes love, but seme was content in being friends forever, it was the uke who pushed their relationship further and was wishy washy ab it till the end.

    Irrational Hater June 27, 2024 3:42 am

    It was a good read made mid bc of the ending. Really wished seme didn’t have to grovel for forgiveness at the end when the uke was the one who needed to grovel

    pitofzombies July 24, 2024 2:08 am


    Just ignore my username lol July 27, 2024 6:59 pm
    It was a good read made mid bc of the ending. Really wished seme didn’t have to grovel for forgiveness at the end when the uke was the one who needed to grovel Irrational Hater

    True, seme needed to apologize for having a past? He didn't even introduce them, they met by accident so we can't say the seme is an ass for introducing his ex fuck buddy to his partner, idk but I agree this was a good read that turn mid at the end