This relationship was the reddest flag ever, like first he basically "buys" him (to say it...

mari-san June 26, 2024 11:06 pm

This relationship was the reddest flag ever, like first he basically "buys" him (to say it was rape is a bit far-fetched cause Rael "agreed" to it) then he kills his supposed father thinking Daniel was Rael, then he kills Daniel, later Rael is imprisoned / betrayed and they somehow still "love each other"??? Wtf? This is beyond logic and beyond red flag. Sure we're reading "fiction" here but the story needs a premise that's believable even if it's about fairies and unicorns, this lacked a backbone. Yes it is posible to love and hate someone at the same time, but it's super shallow to assume that the MC just "forgives" all the atrocities the emperor commits in the name of love. I can only recommend you this if you want to read something more twisted than the 2 strands of DNA in a helix. I'm disappointed to say the least. But yeah I read the whole thing, I wouldn't read it again yet it was interesting enough to make me read until the end.

The only good thing about this was Daniel, Rael and the little bro. I hated the ML and I started to hate MC because he "reciprocated" the feelings? Fucking Stockholm or some shit. It's just sooooooo morally off. You can enjoy this if you turn your brain off and throw away your morality (like Israhell)

    AiLoveSarang July 18, 2024 4:38 am

    Thanks for warning. please keep posting reviews once you finish reading any manhwa. this is helpful.