I don’t know if these are Agio stans, Vercike haters or maybe both, but like, Vercike IS part of the story. It ain’t just about Cain and Agio/Ken and Agia, if y’all want the story to progress, he should be included in the story as well, like what were y’all expecting? A story usually has point of views, from different main characters, and of course, Vercike is one of them, I mean, he’s practically what started this story, with him biting Ken and all. Y’all want Agia, but bruh, he’s in like more than 90% of the chapters here, reread them. Y’all don’t need to keep on mentioning him because he will appear eventually. If y’all wanted a shorter story, then freaking read one. It doesn’t stray away from the main story, cause it literally is the prequel to the story. Imo, i like backstories, since I’ve read stories wherein there are 3 main characters, and yet it focuses only on the main couple, and imma tell y’all it lacked something, and it was this, a freaking back story. I want to understand another character’s point of view, even if it takes a couple of chapters, because I’m interested in this manhwa, story-wise and not character-wise like some of yall obviously are. Anyway, wisen up 8 incels. Just because I’m petty, I’m gonna edit this comment every time another incel dislikes it <3
I don’t know if these are Agio stans, Vercike haters or maybe both, but like, Vercike IS part of the story. It ain’t just about Cain and Agio/Ken and Agia, if y’all want the story to progress, he should be included in the story as well, like what were y’all expecting? A story usually has point of views, from different main characters, and of course, Vercike is one of them, I mean, he’s practically what started this story, with him biting Ken and all. Y’all want Agia, but bruh, he’s in like more than 90% of the chapters here, reread them. Y’all don’t need to keep on mentioning him because he will appear eventually. If y’all wanted a shorter story, then freaking read one. It doesn’t stray away from the main story, cause it literally is the prequel to the story. Imo, i like backstories, since I’ve read stories wherein there are 3 main characters, and yet it focuses only on the main couple, and imma tell y’all it lacked something, and it was this, a freaking back story. I want to understand another character’s point of view, even if it takes a couple of chapters, because I’m interested in this manhwa, story-wise and not character-wise like some of yall obviously are. Anyway, wisen up 8 incels. Just because I’m petty, I’m gonna edit this comment every time another incel dislikes it <3