Some childhood friends, that start off as feeling like siblings, can actually fall in love later in life. As kids, no, neither of them are thinking about love. That would just be weird. I am talking about the set up being made. That's why I said future.
The fact that Mikhail is only calm and at ease around Sasha and wants to be special to her as well. That is already a hint that there may be more feelings (again) in the future.
Also, Mikhail is a child, and Sasha has never been in love before, so it isn't farfetched to say that neither of them know what that kind of love is, and wouldn't be able to describe it outside their own norms. So even in the future, they may initially qualify it as sibling affection when, by that time, it may actually be more.
And I definitely would rather she end up with Mikhail in the future, rather than the psycho that has been trying to alienate her from her friends and family, and trying to harm, if not outright kill those same friends and family.
Spoilers? Possibly ....
I've been rereading this with the Official Translations, and I think I caught something. Twice, at least, Sasha as reminisced how someone or something in this life reminds her of someone else in one of her many past lives. I don't think they're all the same lives. I think they are from different lives.
But it got me thinking. There was the spoiled princess who didn't want her to die, a student she couldn't save in time, a teacher who didn't want her throwing herself into the fire, and at least 2-3 other people who seemed to actually care about her throughout her past lives. This is an assumption made due to there being 5 outlines of different people while she thought of people she cared about, but lost.
I think that, even though they can't remember anything, her family, including Mikhail, are also reincarnations. that they were the people she cared for, who cared for her more than she realized. I think the mom is the teacher, and that Lala is either the princess or the student. The others, I don't have pegged yet. And I think the servants might be reincarnations of people who she didn't necessarily know, but had saved, and so they were grateful to her and truly thankful.
Basically, in this life, she is surrounded by all the people who loved her and cared for her in her past lives, even if she didn't realize it. This is essentially a chance for all of them to save her, and take care of her, the way she saved and took care of them.
As for the guy who is messing with her, I don't know where he fits in with the past lives yet. I am pretty sure that he is the main antagonist, and contrary to what some think, I don't believe he is the future love interest. I'm pretty sure Mikhail is the future love interest. So, unless Mikhail has an unknown split personality, which I doubt, I wouldn't bank on her falling for the guy that tried to kill Lala in the boat and tried to isolate her from her loving family.
As for the "white" shimmering dress that has some people in the comments saying that the antagonist is the love interest because his hair is white, wasn't actually white. It was color shifting. I think that's because on some level it is actually representative of everyone that wants to see her happy and living a long life. It literally represents everyone who loves her.
Anyway, that's my theory. Don't know if it is what is going on, but it just seems to fit. At least to me.