They are both toxic, but he’s worse here. MIA for YEARS, no communication when coming back, just physical stuff. Also, you know having sex with someone who is heavily drunk is considered R*PE? And she’s the toxic one? Also, doing a sex scene with someone without informing your partner about it beforehand is fucked up. It’s okay for actors because their partners know they are actors and what they do. She didn’t. Saying skin-ship is okay is also different than saying “you can act sex out with other people”.

Im not just referencing this scene. Since hes returned she been over thinking and when he isnt extremely posessive and toxic when dudes talk to her she gets into a mood. almost like she wants him to be toxic. Mia or not. She accepted him AS SOON AS he came back. Sis became sober real quick to have sex with him.
Its crazy how yal get so far into these comics to complain abt the character's behavior. Its dark hes been cutting for her attention and attempting to murder her friends but god forbid he pushes her down on a bed. Fam what

I do agree she’s toxic and seems to want for him to be toxic too. I never denied that. Same with her accepting him quickly without proper conversation or anything. But how exactly did she become sober? Where did u draw that conclusion from? Please do tell me. There’s no evidence she became sober for that scene and people don’t get sober this fast. Especially not in the state she was in. I think it’s a typical manhwa habit of not really caring about consent. It’s bad writing in my opinion, but that doesn’t change that he quite frankly literally r*ped her then. She was said to be drunk, there was nothing about her sobering up. He knew that too. She’s toxic, but he’s worse. Kinda weird priorities to think someone accepting toxicity is worse than the person doing it.
Also, you’re complaining too? About her. Or is it only allowed if she’s the target? What kind of logic is that?
Also, who said him cutting and trying to murder her friends was good or better? People heavily criticized him for that too, so let’s not act like we all overlooked it and this scene is a sudden problem. Also, idk how this will unveil, but the vibe I get from him “pushing her down on a bed” is as if he will r*pe her again. It’s not very unlikely as I have read many webtoons where as soon as mature scenes were introduced it was just SA on top of SA (for whatever reason, usually bad writing with purity culture or dunno). But yeah, please don’t act like people being uneasy with his behavior here is a new thing and his previous fucked up shit was overlooked. Personally, I only got this far into the story because there was always some sort of hint for character development. This trope at first seemed to be headed for their long-awaited healthy relationship. Authors just seem to be prolonging and ruining everything now tho.
So what if he acts with other women. Its a job. She became the toxic one as they got older I see lmao. Just end it