
Elli11220 June 25, 2024 7:30 pm

hi guys, i dont rmb if it was mentionned before, but how old are they in the current story? not that its relevent to the plotline...

    haemang June 25, 2024 9:45 pm

    i believe yeonjo is 20-21 so the lord must be in his mid to late twenties

    Elli11220 June 26, 2024 2:20 am
    i believe yeonjo is 20-21 so the lord must be in his mid to late twenties haemang

    Damn thank you, bc i thought there was potentially a bigger age difference considering the lord guy killed yeonjo’s parents when he was a kid while he was an older teen (?)

    haemang June 26, 2024 2:44 am
    Damn thank you, bc i thought there was potentially a bigger age difference considering the lord guy killed yeonjo’s parents when he was a kid while he was an older teen (?) Elli11220

    i mean it, it still could be. if the lord was an older teen, and it’s been 5 years since yeonjo’s family fell to ruin then yeonjo would’ve been 13-14 back then and the lord would’ve been 18-19, therefore yeonjo must be 18-19 and the lord is 23-24. but also there’s a chance the age gap could be larger and the lord is actually in his late twenties to early thirties

    Elli11220 June 26, 2024 12:21 pm
    i mean it, it still could be. if the lord was an older teen, and it’s been 5 years since yeonjo’s family fell to ruin then yeonjo would’ve been 13-14 back then and the lord would’ve been 18-19, therefor... haemang

    okok, thank you!!

    Ryomoku Min June 26, 2024 5:07 pm

    the artist confirmed on their twitter (link to post ) that currently yeonjo is 20 and heeryang is 32 so the age gap is considerable

    Elli11220 June 26, 2024 8:06 pm
    the artist confirmed on their twitter (link to post ) that currently yeonjo is 20 and heeryang is 32 so the age gap is consider... Ryomoku Min

    waa thank youu!