Who knew cats could rape? LMFAOOO
why is this that funny
Bc its like a bear being scared of a chiuaha. You’re like 10x the size
u cant even spell chihuahua rightexplanation just as stupid as your brain cells
You cant even take a joke Explains just how bitter your life is
And learn propper english before calling someone stupid. Its explains not explanaton
joke about...rape ?
Its a FICTIONAL cat. Calm your balls
if its fictional whatever theres no need to joke about rape though
It does matter, its fictional meaning its not real. Theres also no rape in here, the guy also wants the cat hes holding himself back. He has his concent hes just waiting untill he gets older.
A lot of the stories on this site involve rape & you’re choosing now to get upset over a topic about it? LMFAOOO fuck on
damn u obnoxious as fuck
Who knew cats could rape? LMFAOOO