Okay so development in multiple directions to unpack: 1) Seems like our assumption of Tae...

Aphrosia June 25, 2024 7:49 am

Okay so development in multiple directions to unpack:

1) Seems like our assumption of Tae following whims is a tad baseless (like 70:30) cause he clearly cares about Rion as seen in this last ep, and actually I was thinking this before, but I think Tae is just one of those easy going types that's like "Meh ion wanna....butttt, yea okay sure we ball" which is honestly not that common (in my opinion ALLEGEDLY) within Yaoi in particularly which is why everyone feels it's more forced than not. I understand what they're saying, but as someone who has what we call a Clusterfuck Group of weirdos with all over the place personalities including myself, this is a pretty normal personality trait for me at least, so yea.

2) His father is a piece of shit undoubtedly and a child abducter among other things, but I'm glad the plot doesn't necessarily ignore this but is more like "Okay, this happened. You're a fucked up piece of bastardous ass shit. We know. What will you do to fix the mess YOU created." Which I like, cause ngl as a victim of many, MANY things in life my trauma aside, dwelling on the past will not help but worsen situations. So I see this as growth (again personally, in my opinion ALLEGEDLY).

3) (Totally unrelated btw) why the hell do I lowkey want a collar??? I-
