It will be addressed. Ines herself will gain self-awareness. Remember, Ines is the one who gets the most character development which was much needed. Ines has not developed as a person in any of prior timelines. In all prior timelines she was still selfish, self-centered, and didn’t care about others except the men she chose.
So, beginning with ep74, where Isabella mentioned her ZERO interest in Carcel, the next chapter will reveal how harrowing Carcel going off to war was for his mother. His mother will mention how she couldn’t sleep and she would sit up all night to prevent nightmares but she would still doze off and dream of her child bloodied and dying on the battlefield. Listening to his mother, Ines is struck with guilt. She reflects on how lightly she has taken Carcel’s life while there was someone who was agonizing in fear over his life. She recalls how he would always send her short letters to inform her that he’s still alive and he always ended his brief letters with a PRAYER that God is keeping her well or some other benediction. Ines will feel even more guilty when she goes to collect those letters and it is clearly evident that Carcel was writing in a rush or writing on scraps of old paper because he’s at war and supplies are scarce. She become cognizant of just how much she has disregarded his life and how she just always dismissed his letters with her future knowledge that he was always alive when she dies in prior timelines.
The above is only the beginning. She would later find out how Carcel was almost killed because of the engagement to her. He was only 6 years when that happened. This event even affected the marriage of his parents in a negative way that resulted in Carcel’s younger brother not knowing some of the experiences Carcel enjoyed when his parents were closer. However, Ines will only find out the part that Carcel was attacked when he was just 6 years and she rightly realized that she pointed her finger at him and never thought of what could happen to him. She takes this incident seriously to the point that she even tells her brother about the incident later.
There is more because added to that, the hidden timeline will be revealed and Ines will be shocked at the many hurtful things she said to Carcel. This timeline in particular will reveal just how patient and kind Carcel has always been to her even when she’s throwing spiteful and hurtful words in his face. Present day Ines will be so shocked by her past self that she gets fearful that Carcel will remember that time and how awful she treated him.
You can look forward to Ines changing and developing along the way provided that manhwa team doesn’t strip the author’s work further with their ability to cover up Ines’s flaws.
Oh. I should also add that the only reason the letters from him still existed is because her waiting lady Juana had put them aside when Ines would have burned them. It’s for that reason she was now able to read them with interest and regard for Carcel’s life because Juana insisted on saving and storing them. His letters also made her aware that he never worries her by saying he’s safe and well but she saw the scars on his body from war. This is when she realizes even more that Carcel always endure his pain, physical or emotional and doesn’t tell anyone. The fact is, he began to do this ever since the incident when he was 6 years old and his mother cried and his parents argued. After he witnessed that, he endured all the physical bullying in secret because he didn’t want his mother to cry. So, he learned to tolerate pain. His tolerance for pain is something mentioned in the novel several times. Ines herself notices it about him.
Here are the raw for today and the images show what I spoiled.
Wanted to ask someone who read the novel this:
I’ve been seeing mixed spoilers so I’m not sure, but will Ines’s indifference towards carcel when they were children be brought up and shown once again this arc or were beginning chapters in season 1 the end of that? Cause some people are saying they’ll bring up Ines’ treatment towards carcel once again while others are saying the mom’s mention of Ines having no interest in him this chapter was the end of that, so I’m not sure.