Tough shit, life is not as black and white :( i cant say eunyung is an angel when we all k...

honey bunny June 24, 2024 11:47 pm

Tough shit, life is not as black and white :( i cant say eunyung is an angel when we all know he stabbed haejoon at the very beginning of this series :(

We cant also say 'its because he had a rough childhood' fvcking face it, he's right, not all people comes out okay after years of abuse... But not all people comes out bad as well

I'd say, file a case eunyung since im only a bystander :( but if i was in that position i'll just nope the fuck outtttt their lives where they will never everrr seee me agaaain

    lolll June 25, 2024 2:08 am


    June 25, 2024 6:51 am

    Coming out okay after years of abuse isn't a lottery case. In eunyungs case the way he acts is a direct result of years of abuse, his behaviors are pretty textbook response to the type of abuse he went through. Did you fall for his parents' gaslighting? The whole "we abused you because you were a naughty child" is shown to be bullshit when we see him propagate learned behaviors and act out in response to abuse. He had no therapy, no chance to unlearn what his parents drilled in his head. The way he is right now is very clearly because of his childhood, he'd be a completely different person if his circumstances were different.

    Ray June 25, 2024 12:49 pm

    literally what are you on about. Eunyung is not an angel no one said that but he’s not a bad person like ur trying to make him out to be either. most of his behaviour IS a direct cause from his childhood. Like..? abuse affects people and no one is okay after going through stuff like that people just experience it differently. If someone is okay after going through abuse chances are they’re putting on an act, or they got therapy and healed from their trauma. It’s funny to me your saying “life is not black and white” and then ur going on to say Eunyung is a bad person and that his behaviour is not caused from all the abuse and suffering he went through. It’s almost like Eunyung is meant to be a morally grey character yeah he’s done bad stuff and no one is excusing that but he had his reasons, and the same way he’s stabbed Haejoon in the stomach he’s also been a good friend to Haejoon. Did you read the same manhwa i did?