Explain pls hahahaha

Aisha-chan June 24, 2024 5:05 pm

Hi, so can someone explain me what is guildverse is? I been seeing guildverse yaoi manhwa but I don't know what it means hahahahaha

    Beomgyulvr1 June 24, 2024 6:52 pm

    You have espers and guides
    Espers have powers and fight against things (i said things because some guideverse manhwas dont fight against humans). After using their powers their sexual desires get really bad. The guides help with their sexual desires (most guideverse manhwas use compatibility to determine if a guide should help them).

    Aisha-chan June 24, 2024 7:34 pm
    You have espers and guidesEspers have powers and fight against things (i said things because some guideverse manhwas dont fight against humans). After using their powers their sexual desires get really bad. The... Beomgyulvr1

    Ohhh I get the whole idea now. Thanks a lot!

    Beomgyulvr1 June 24, 2024 8:37 pm
    Ohhh I get the whole idea now. Thanks a lot! Aisha-chan

    No problem!!