Wow it really did end, that was good. Kinda wished there was more.
Hold up a few years later?!?! Bro that’s a bad cliffhanger 😭
Welp I hope the girl best friend is safe and I hope the boy best friend pun...
I'm having such a hard time trying to differentiate between Sara's brother,...
Its rare to see a love story where both ppl in the main couple have dark hair.
I didnt like the ending to the main story, idk turning him into a mouse was so lame. Like those cats will just kill him instantly lol. Also the mc literally told everyone and their momma like ToT im deadd. Likeee. Also the girl best friend, Hayun(?) Is reffered to as the "other one" like she is such a side character that they font even remember her name.
Anyways for the review i think this is an incredibly predictable story, barely any flavor, boring even. Even when the villain was around i didnt feel...worried yk? Its like seeing the regular crackhead at mcd's. The romance was eh, i cant really see what type of dynamic theyd have. Like calm and calmer? Idkkk it was incredibly mid and underwhelming 4/10