I expected better...

Theystolemyname June 23, 2024 10:02 pm

Damn, Bel irritated me to no end. He is a great example of gaslighting and manipulation.
They already started off pretty badly with the first guiding, when he pressured Lyc into bottoming without so much as giving him a minute to think about it. It was clear that not only was Lyc not particularly experienced, and most likely not at all experienced in bottoming, but he also was expecting to be a top, and didn't want to bottom. Like, sure, if your expectations differ when you get into bed with someone, then obviously you need to consider a compromise if you want sex anyway, but it's most definitely NOT okay to tell your partner that this will be happening the way YOU want it, and that's the end of discussion. It also annoyed me, that Bel was so condescending about it, like "I think you've misunderstood something", no Mr.Gaslight, I think it's YOU who misunderstood proper consent. Lyc saying that "it was tolerable because the quiding effect was good", a.k.a. he tolerated something he really didn't like because he liked *some* aspect of their relationship, is a textbook abused partner speak. Like all those women who don't leave their partner who hits them once a week, because otherwise "he is such a nice guy".
Then there is the fact, that Bel had a nasty habit of prodding Lyc's injuries and making treatment hurt, as well as the exessive PDA that made Lyc really uncomfortable. If that's a kink for both of them, sure, I don't kink-shame if you don't cause harm. But Lyc clearly did NOT appreciate any of it. He spent 2 years (2 effing years!!!) hiding from Bel whenever he could, because Bel's behaviour was so problematic. Dude is his guide pair, he is the cure to Lyc's chronic pain, insomnia, and just his panacea in general, and Lyc STILL preferred to avoid him whenever possible. If that doesn't tell you that shit's wrong, I don't know what will.

And the fact that Bel did it all deliberately to gaslight Lyc, just makes it that much worse.

And then, when Lyc got injured again, Bel just threw a fucking tantrum. He used Lyc's injury to punish him and force him into doing what Bel wanted (a.k.a. beg for guiding, something Bel is perfectly aware of that Lyc dislikes, because hello, Bel is an asshole about it STILL), but then acted like he is some benevolent god, when it turned out that he was lowkey healing Lyc at night, so he won't be in THAT much pain. Like, hooray? Do you want a medal for doing what is literally your job, but even that halfassed, because you wanted Lyc in pain and uncomfortable, which he didn't need to be in at all, and definitely not for so long?
And let's not talk about Lyc's friends/coworkers/whatever, who told him that yes, Bel is a sadistic bitch, but suck it up and be happy about it, because he is being possesive and does what is literally his job, which is a great honor to Lyc, apparently ._.
Then, when he gets what he wanted, and humiliates Lyc some more with his bs during sex, he has the gall to tell him, that he expected Lyc to come find him. Like, excuse me?? Lyc said that he came back to him, just like Bel wanted, when he ended up in the hospital, but it was Bel who just left without a word, and completely iced him out for days, when Lyc was clearly hospitalised with several wounds, including a fucking BROKEN LEG. Do you want him to hop after you on 1 leg while you ignore him?? Wtf? And Lyc was so effing valid for saying "don't you like seeing me suffer though?" in response to that, and Bel manages to be even more of an ass by saying that he cares as a doctor (since when, lmao?) and admits that he deliberately did all the nasty shit to gaslight Lyc. A round of applause for this man, everyone!
Lyc is, again, so valid for saying that Bel is selfish, which Bel immidiatly confirms by pushing aside Lyc's apprehension about the guiding, and justifying his bullshit by saying that Lyc's reactions are interesting (again, kink has to be mutual!!!!), and some misplaced guilt that he uses as an excuse for his unhinged behaviour. He has the gall to blame Lyc for getting injured, even though Lyc was in a situation where that was unavoidable, not to mention, that he did his best to avoid being injured in general, so he doesn't have to be guided... And then Bel blames Lyc for hating his guiding. Like, wow. You do some shit your partner doesn't like, so he avoids those interactions with you, and you blame him for avoiding that? What kinda fucked up logic is that?
"You just like me as a guide" well, no shit, is he supposed to like you for your stellar personality? And then the dude begs for his medal for doing minimum healing at night, when Lyc was asleep, like a total creep. Just, perfect man.

Then, if all that was not bad enough, he completely ices out Lyc AGAIN, just disappears off the face of Earth, without so much as a "bye" to Lyc. And then acts like it's completely normal, that his pair doesn't even know that he is the minister's nephew, he doesn't even acknowledge this weirdness. And then Lyc thinks how he knows nothing about Bel, which just shows how stellar their relationship was going, all thanks to Bel and his nasty personality that sent Lyc running at the sight of him. And then the idiot sandwich deliberately gets crushed by big effing chunks of concrete....

Did I already say, just how much worse it makes, that he does shit like this on purpose?

Then he goes on blaming Lyc again for hating his guiding, and claiming that this was the reason for jumping in, even though Lyc is the esper who is fucking trained for shit like this, could have avoided it, and can handle getting hurt much better. Just, 10/10 gaslighting.

He fucking guilttrips Lyc, by holding his own life hostage.

And then he makes it even worse by pretending to pass out. Like. Y'all, I can't with this man. He has the audacity to be smug about distressing Lyc to tears, just to prove some fucked up point. Yes, we already knew that Lyc has to rely on you, and he doesn't want you dead, there was no point to this whole drama from you.

Some bit more humiliation by calling Lyc his dog again, even though he clearly doesn't like it (*siiiigh* let's repeat again kids, kink must be mutually enjoyed...), and blames it on Lyc, while going through a guiding session that was only needed due to Bel deliberately endangering his own life for bullshit reasons.

And we also get Lyc falling for his gaslighting, and blaming himself for Bel's unhinged behaviour. Yaaay.

Bel's yandere speach was just tiring at this point.

It was funny, in a very sad way, that he was still forcing his will, about being the top, on Lyc even now, despite how Lyc stopped protesting it, and only showed enjoyment when they had sex this time. I mean, it reads like Bel is completely aware of how wrong he is, and how desperate he is to keep this status quo.

To me, this manhwa was a story about a manipulative, selfish man who successfully gaslighted his partner into accepting his will, regardless of his own wants or needs.

My only question is, is the author alright?

    ayayaaa July 13, 2024 4:45 pm

    i applaud your dedication all that lmao

    Nrkosia July 15, 2024 9:12 am

    Ur whole comment was better than the manhwa I love you

    Theystolemyname July 15, 2024 10:29 am

    Lmao, thank you guys

    FujoBruh July 26, 2024 5:28 am

    REAL. Captured everything I was thinking about! It’s just sad that mangas with plots and sends similar to this are the ones that always take off! And some readers are always like “Oh don’t mind that he rapes, kidnaps, forces his views/expectations on him because now he’s extra possessive ands basic human being(optional) like please be so frl the mindset of not caring about consent, the agreement and communication of partners just because they do the diddly do is just such an unhealthy and weird way to see things.

    Theystolemyname July 28, 2024 10:18 am
    REAL. Captured everything I was thinking about! It’s just sad that mangas with plots and sends similar to this are the ones that always take off! And some readers are always like “Oh don’t mind that he ra... FujoBruh

    100% agree. I understand the whole concept of "obsessive is fun if he is fictional", but there are limits to everything, and I can't quite understand it, when the ML is a complete psycho or just plain asshole. Consent is sexy, but manipulation and romanticised rape is just nasty. He can be possessive if his partner is 100% onboard with it, otherwise it's just anxiety inducing

    izzy August 22, 2024 8:23 pm

    it's crazy that you wrote that much

    A Random Reader Passerby :> September 25, 2024 11:29 am

    Wow you're so triggered, you even made some extensive review about the story which I get.