Why do we have to have this conversation every time

daisyintherain June 23, 2024 9:18 pm

it's been established that BL will never happen in this story and the author is just throwing in stupid fanservice. I don't read any of the adult potato story because they are all filled with fanservice. By the way, even with this stupid fanservice, Wolf has no romantic interest in Potato and it's all onesided. And now there are people spreading misinfo about the author being a pedophile and shit because of one drawing featuring a small-sized 29 year old character.

people who choose to stay are not groomers apologists. people who hate it can leave for all the right reasons, but calling out the author for doing this every single time an adult chapter comes out WHEN YOU KNOW THAT IT WILL BE ABOUT THIS STUPID FANSERVICE SHIT is tiring given that this conversation has been had MULTIPLE times. Yes, we all agree with you that fanservice is unnecessary and weird. But us feeling this way WILL NOT change any decision the author makes given that the Chinese fans want it and only serve to anger the other side who are mentally blocking out the BL fanservice. The translator had to make a note, and y'all STILL at it again. Just don't read the adult potato chapters, or drop the series completely.

    mygsvalentine June 23, 2024 9:20 pm

    it's most likely because they don't understand what warnings are for... like nobody's forcing them to read this???

    daisyintherain June 23, 2024 9:28 pm
    it's most likely because they don't understand what warnings are for... like nobody's forcing them to read this??? mygsvalentine

    I just don't understand the point of regurgitating the same comment over and over when everyone already agrees that the fanservice sucks but the main story can still be enjoyable if you can mentally block out the fanservice elements in the adult chapters. You're just sucking the fun out of everyone by coming back to yap about the fanservice again and again when everyone coming here reading this story already knows that it exists and is able to compartmentalize the story.

    Porcelain Girl June 24, 2024 12:04 pm

    THIS! People should be more like you. Whether you're disgusted by this or not, people shouldn't just call other people pedo like that. Real pedos are into real kids, not 2D. Not that I'm into shota or something but you can't judge people based on their 2D interest. I think the author does ship Potato and his old man but I feel like they know the boundary. So they only throw crumbs for the shippers but never make it canon (making it one-sided). And not to mention all the warnings. People know they'll hate it, yet they keep reading it or keep coming back to rage about it like...sir, you must have plenty of time raging on a pirate site with several warnings.