To tell the truth I feel a little pity for the hawk man because I know deep inside he has ...

Miyuumi June 23, 2024 4:55 pm

To tell the truth I feel a little pity for the hawk man because I know deep inside he has strong feeling for the high mage but he show it a wrong way

    sidney June 23, 2024 7:48 pm


    sidney June 23, 2024 7:49 pm

    U mean the fuckin VILLAIN??.
    The one we just saw kill 3000.babies? Killed her in a previous life , killed her family maybe and also creeped on her when she was 9??

    LunarLily June 24, 2024 1:53 pm
    U mean the fuckin VILLAIN??.The one we just saw kill 3000.babies? Killed her in a previous life , killed her family maybe and also creeped on her when she was 9?? sidney

    Lmao right??? Kahil may have a violent nature like enisha’s brothers and father, but he isn’t like the villain who will HARM Enisha both mind and physically just to be with her

    Miyuumi June 24, 2024 5:28 pm
    U mean the fuckin VILLAIN??.The one we just saw kill 3000.babies? Killed her in a previous life , killed her family maybe and also creeped on her when she was 9?? sidney

    Calm down a little bit please I just said I have a little bit pity for him just a little bit!! but it doesn't mean I like him I still feel he is disgusting and he is creeping because what's he doing I just said that all the things that he do is because he love her and he showed it the wrong way The disgusting way the creeping way mean that he would do anything even it creeping and disgusting or even terrible way to have her even kill Many people kill the people that she love or even put her in the cage.

    Miyuumi June 24, 2024 5:31 pm
    Lmao right??? Kahil may have a violent nature like enisha’s brothers and father, but he isn’t like the villain who will HARM Enisha both mind and physically just to be with her LunarLily

    This pity feeling of mine is that if he had someone to teach him for the way to show his love or put him in the right way maybe he can show his love much better just only that but it does not mean he can use the love reason to do the thing that he do now. It's still not right and disgusting

    sidney June 24, 2024 7:41 pm
    Calm down a little bit please I just said I have a little bit pity for him just a little bit!! but it doesn't mean I like him I still feel he is disgusting and he is creeping because what's he doing I just said... Miyuumi

    Ummm whaaaaaa?? No.

    なんでもない~ June 25, 2024 4:57 pm
    This pity feeling of mine is that if he had someone to teach him for the way to show his love or put him in the right way maybe he can show his love much better just only that but it does not mean he can use th... Miyuumi

    I mean his name means avarice, the guy would have never learned someone who said her corps will do… that’s obsession..