He was totally using him as replacement if you get that seme always likes uke's twin bro he always resented uke for being happy while his brother has to suffer every day , even though uke didn't know what's going on with his brother .... I don't know how he developed feelings so fast but he almost killed uke once for his twin bro

Yeah but they didn't knew each other well and since the twin was an important friend for him and knew how much he was suffering ofc he would want to help him even if he had to sacrifiese Mc wich is not a good thing obv but at that time he couldn't think of anything else and Ml also thought Mc was selfish bc he "ignored" are was not aware of his twins suffering and when he got to know Mc more he fell in Love and also got to know that what he was feeling for the twin was not love in that way but more like a friend . ( Im not justifieng the Ml's actions but I think he did what he tought was the best for his friend ) (●'◡'●)

Yah I agree but i still don't like seme he is selfish and using uke , I know uke also accepted to help his brother even if it means to make himself in use to keep his brother safe , but seme did so many things in wrong way that made me unlikable to me especially when he used his power to break down uke in which he was almost suffering to the level of dying and that was again the uke and uke still in trauma cuz of that day
Before i read thisssss can i ask is it true that the blonde guy in the cover has feelings to the other twin? I just read it somewhere