@all the closeted shota enjoyers

uma_chan June 23, 2024 4:51 am

idk which part of “shonen ai” and this being officially categorised as “romantic comedy” is still unclear to you, but you chose to stick around and continue to reading. if you’re this affected by plots like this, stop reading it’s that simple the only concerning thing that’s present is how many of you don’t know how to separate morals from real life and fiction. And lightheartedly throwing around an allegation as serious as “pedo” against REAL people over pixels, the only ones not normal is you people. Life gets better when you stop being a pixel police i promise. Anyway ROOTING FOR U TSUBAKI

    Drugsarentthatgood June 23, 2024 11:39 am
    liberation in fiction as in people are entitled to consume/create what they want.. because fiction can be separate from reality. because a taboo story ≠ a real person’s morals. but clearly you’re selectiv... uma_chan

    Yapping yapping kill yourself pedophile

    Drugsarentthatgood June 23, 2024 11:39 am
    they need to virtue signal because their only source of joy is letting everyone know they’re morally superior uma_chan

    I am morally superior to a pedophile yes

    Ugh June 23, 2024 12:19 pm
    they need to virtue signal because their only source of joy is letting everyone know they’re morally superior uma_chan

    fr, no sense in arguing with them. they wouldn't understand your point anyways

    squidkdj June 25, 2024 5:09 am
    liberation in fiction as in people are entitled to consume/create what they want.. because fiction can be separate from reality. because a taboo story ≠ a real person’s morals. but clearly you’re selectiv... uma_chan

    ppl like u deserve it get harassed imo

    squidkdj June 25, 2024 5:12 am
    Lmfao I root for u why do they gotta take shit like this so seriously. Like scroll and fuck off if you don't wanna read this type of manga, easy. Ugh

    and we are. we aint even tryna read this shi but tge way it literally romanticizes children is gross dont u think? or maybe u dont bc ur a pedo or ur a pedo in the making by saying "its just fictional snorts scratches ass

    uma_chan June 25, 2024 3:09 pm
    and we are. we aint even tryna read this shi but tge way it literally romanticizes children is gross dont u think? or maybe u dont bc ur a pedo or ur a pedo in the making by saying "its just fictional snorts sc... squidkdj

    no i dont think its gross because at the end of the day i can acknowledge its a fictional story while at the same time not tolerate it in real life. Not a very hard concept to grasp.

    what’s gross is thinking you can equate a fictional character’s wellbeing to REAL LIFE victims. I’m a victim of CSA myself, how dare you equate interacting with taboo fiction to actual exploitation of children in real life? You are severely undermining the gravity of a real life trauma if you think they are comparable. Be fucking fr.

    and if you REALLY thought I was a pedophile, why haven’t you reported or at the very least blocked me??its not hard for police to track down people no matter if you’re anonymous online?? it’s cause you dont actually care for real predatory acts, but rather for performative activism against fucking strangers. if you’re gonna reply with only tiktok insults just save your breath cause you’ll be making a fool out of yourself proving my point

    uma_chan June 25, 2024 4:15 pm
    and we are. we aint even tryna read this shi but tge way it literally romanticizes children is gross dont u think? or maybe u dont bc ur a pedo or ur a pedo in the making by saying "its just fictional snorts sc... squidkdj

    also, I just want to be clear. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be grossed out by a storyline like this.

    “This story is gross because an underage character cannot give consent to a romantic relationship”

    The underage character can’t give consent because they are fictional. Because they are not sentient, because they are not real. But YOU, the reader, the actual person are the one whose consent matters.

    The argument of “this story shouldn’t exist” is really just “I do not consent to seeing this story, and I am not confident in turning away what discomforts me”
    Rollercoasters are dangerous and people have died from them, but it still exists and will continue to exist. If you dont like them, are you gonna demand all rollercoasters get destroyed??no, you walk away. You don’t ride it. You don’t read the manga.

    There are so many people who enjoy Hannibal, a glorified story about a serial killer. Are you gonna call them ALL murderers solely for that?? There will always be the few outliers that do go commit murder irl, but you need to realise that is an issue bigger and unique to them, and not the majority of people.

    The reality is real life pedophiles will use anything to prey on children. Toys, games, mangas like this. But the issue isn’t with the media, it’s with that individual.

    This manga is literally tagged romantic comedy & shota. It tells you all you need to know that it romanticises underage relationships. No one is asking that you be okay with it, no one is asking you to not be disgusted. You can say “ew” to yourself and walk away. It doesn’t have to be a showcase of your morals. Prioritise your own consent, not a fictional character’s

    Classic July 1, 2024 4:32 am
    also, I just want to be clear. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be grossed out by a storyline like this. “This story is gross because an underage character cannot give consent to a romantic relationship”The... uma_chan

    If after this some people can't understand then who knows what'll save them. So beautifully written and explained!! Well said.

    squidkdj July 1, 2024 4:37 am
    Nah imma hate, pedophiles in this comments will know no peace Drugsarentthatgood

    real its so sad atp

    squidkdj July 1, 2024 4:41 am
    no i dont think its gross because at the end of the day i can acknowledge its a fictional story while at the same time not tolerate it in real life. Not a very hard concept to grasp. what’s gross is thinking ... uma_chan

    and at the end of the day u keep returning back to the same stupid point of "its fictional" or "oh its pixels" NO ONE CARES IF ITS FICTIONAL OR NOT
    whether its fictional, or irl, both are disgusting and should not be normalized by ppl like you. so for you saying "oh standing up for sh0t4c0ns" is just sad and quite literally nasty. literally just because its fictional doesnt make it any less weird. ur just repeating the same shi and its getting tiring having to repeat my words as well. it doesnt matter if its fictional. period point blank.

    squidkdj July 1, 2024 4:46 am
    no i dont think its gross because at the end of the day i can acknowledge its a fictional story while at the same time not tolerate it in real life. Not a very hard concept to grasp. what’s gross is thinking ... uma_chan

    because the government is shit okay? because the government cant get rid of every single pedophile on this fucked up internet even if they tried. theres no block button. and reporting you has like a .00001% chance of u actually getting banned. reporting is just a waste of time bc it probably doesnt even work, the police could care less and no one is trying to even call the police because who tf would actually do that (i repeated this again and again and yet you still seem to not comprehend, thats sad.) the police are not the type of people to be like "theres a pedo online? yes, we will get to it right away and track them down!!!" theyre just gonna laugh it off and hang up mid call. did u even think abt it??? who even calls the police. all we can do is try to get ppl like u off the internet and to tell u to go touch some grass. did u shi ur brains out or smth

    uma_chan July 1, 2024 5:09 am
    because the government is shit okay? because the government cant get rid of every single pedophile on this fucked up internet even if they tried. theres no block button. and reporting you has like a .00001% cha... squidkdj

    No, because if someone reading shota manga on the internet alone was chargeable legal action would be taken. You keep arguing that police are useless, but if you actually go to them with proof of real life CP being consumed, an investigation legally has to be conducted. That’s exactly the point, someone reading shota manga is not legitimate proof of a real life child being harmed. You’re deliberately ignoring the logic just so you can win online arguments, you’re gross

    Drugsarentthatgood July 1, 2024 8:04 am
    No, because if someone reading shota manga on the internet alone was chargeable legal action would be taken. You keep arguing that police are useless, but if you actually go to them with proof of real life CP b... uma_chan

    Where i live rapist and pedophiles barely get arrested, hell I'd say they're almost privileged especially if they're guys, rape and pedo culture is pretty normalized, they barely do anything for cases where real children are involved. Police and the government are in fact shit

    uma_chan July 1, 2024 10:30 am
    If after this some people can't understand then who knows what'll save them. So beautifully written and explained!! Well said. Classic

    Thank you! So tired of toxic vigilantism, read what you like and ignore what you don’t it’s so simple