They better continue after the genderbender stops bending and just turns into a rainbow cause this was the second manga I started here on Mangago and I refuse to accept it's ending. I just can't. I'd love Shion regardless of his gender because at the end of the day, I fell in love with him as a person, not what's vetween his legs. But damnit I need moreeeee. Like not a "side story" but an entire sequel with adopted children and idek what else but I want ALLLLLL the fuckin fixins.
They better continue after the genderbender stops bending and just turns into a rainbow cause this was the second manga I started here on Mangago and I refuse to accept it's ending. I just can't. I'd love Shion regardless of his gender because at the end of the day, I fell in love with him as a person, not what's vetween his legs. But damnit I need moreeeee. Like not a "side story" but an entire sequel with adopted children and idek what else but I want ALLLLLL the fuckin fixins.