bro that Girl is getting MARRIED and the man she loves obviously loves his guy bsf and everything is so sus between the two if I were Giselle I would feel bad for myself and everyone involved so it's better to make things clear because if their feelings are mutual then Giselle will back out so she is giving mc a chance cause it's so obvious it's not just simple friendship between the two man.
Even the red head pilot can pick up from the two. His gay-dar is also kicking haha

Giselle gave them a chance bcs mc is so obvious and that girl knows her lover also holds mc very dear to his heart so it will be possible for the two man to get together
MC chose friendship over love cause his pride won't let him break character after all the years he hid em
Ml bsf is dense about his feelings he is abnormally getting jealous with red head or he is just really 100% dense
my analysis so far from the three lol I get so frustrated because I can actually relate to mc. I chose my pride as well and never confessed my 9 years unrequited love

she didn't force him to do anything, she simply gave him a chance to do what he's been holding back for years yes, it would benefit her if he did confess his feelings, but clearly, from what we just saw in this chapter, he still had the choice of not confessing his feelings and unfortunately chose that instead. I don't blame her for approaching the situation like how she did, I'd also be frustrated as hell if I wasn't sure if my fiance was attracted to someone else or not

I thought the same thing. She is "making" the mc make a choice for HER own pride. If I was her, and I had my doubts if my lover really liked me or his best friend or if he is marrying me cause I put him in the bind, it's my job to put my worries to rest and ask him rather than get other involved. She came bring up the worry, have a conversation, see how he responds, or deflects the questions. That seems like the most mature way.
Heck how is she giving him a "chance" when she has seen him try to cut ties with the ml. If anything a chances would have been to bring up that she knows he likes the ml and would say that " hey if you want to confess I am fine with it, if my relationship breaks he was never mine" but her method is more of an ultimatum.

That what I thought, if she is really matured why bother confronting someone when you can ask your lover directly?
I feel like she's doing like what villainess do in manwha when they saw their lover have an affair, they will bully and confront the other girl instead of confronted their lover, which in the first place is the one who is wrong.

yeah I can see ur point/concern but I am with the blonde cause she is actually giving the friend a chance to confess instead of confronting the lover. ML and MC rs is not simple if she's the one to rat on mc's feelings it feels wrong. I read the novel again it seems the woman didn't think her man is in love with his bsf lol the author really painted her as an obstacle or villain like lady. If this is in real life I think she's a strong woman who will chew out anyone who will interfere in her rs. We hated her in this story because she is not the fenale lead but what if she's the main character?
Imagine, you call ur fiancé, u've said ilys, promises and all but he is not coming home to you but his best friend and you are aware his best friend romantically loves him back and you are just there between the two. They met first, then her after. She'd feel threatened and will want to end things or fight so yeah but in this story, like you said, Gisele is like a villainess. wow I'm amazed of my empathy lmao most times I'm as dense as ML lol

yeah she is but we also have that side of ours and it's not like she'll kill, right? Damn I forgot about what Gisel did. I actually hated her while reading it but the manhwa gave me a new perspective of her lol maybe I should reread the story cause I forgot she also went overboard. We're all the main character of our story but in this case she is in someone else's so we can't grasp the essence of her character, we only see what the author wants. This is why I enjoy stories with strong cover of their characters like everyone is not as simple as black and white yk. The Double Chinese book is one example hayst the Cdrama kinda butchered the characters like fml, she is a very strong character but they made her kinda dependent to ML haha even the villainess princess became a lil docile when she's actually pure evil outside but a fragile soul inside.

I'm very simple words, she is marrying and forcing marriage on someone SHE knows doesn't love her at all, but is happy as long as he is free state.
People are acting as if she is innocently in love with a taken man, but bro, she knew he was suspicious yet still went for it and now is forcing the MC to action.
"Omg, it's just a chance", well, technically saying to a boy I know you are gay, your parents are suspicious, come out to them now or marry a girl is also a chance. Isn't that a chance to come out and be happy? But we all know that's the most dickiest move to force sb to come out :)
She wants the couple to resolve themselves but doesn't want to fix herself.

Yeah you’re gonna have to reread that novel lol. Sure it’s realistic for her to be mad, but it makes more sense to be made at her fiancé rather than the friend who never planned on confessing or getting in the way. According to novel spoilers, she isn’t as nice even when they’re broken up. So that option she gave to the mc wasn’t out of kindness- more so that she was confident she would be chosen.
I am very sad how many is angry about mc but no one pointing out gisella. She literally forcing mc to tell his feeling to ml when in the first place she knows that it's not easy in the first place since she know how many years mc have unrequited love with ml
Yes, MC is pathetic for you but his action is realistic. It's hard to confess to someone in the first place, much more if that someone is your bestfriend. Will you sacrifice your friendship over love? or will you be satisfied with what you have currently with that person ?