They act like he committed to this engagement and act as if Ines didn’t play a bad role in it by promoting what he did. He’s been manipulated by her since kid.
Someone also said this and I agree, they say things so well and actually read:
His mother didn’t even mean what she said in a bad way (referring to indirectly calling ML a whore). What manhwa doesn’t explain is that the entire society of Mendoza is promiscuous. The empress, who is Carcel’s aunt, has lovers. The emperor, who is Carcel’s uncle-in-law has lovers. Marchioness Barca, who appeared at Ines’s house party is a married woman with lovers. She even asked Carcel to send Raul to her so that Raul can sleep with her. How did Raul respond? He simply asked Carcel if sleeping with Marchioness Barca would benefit him or Ines. Carcel was left speechless by Raul who had immediately expressed his willingness to do this if it benefited him or Ines. We will meet a princess in the Mendoza arc who mother was married to another nobleman when she gave birth to her. In other words, the emperor has a daughter from a married woman. She was married already when she slept with the emperor and gave birth to her. That is the kind of crazy society they live in.
Y’all are so weird. Y’all are mad with this ‘Carcel cheating.’ thing. Don’t y’all remember that Ined WANTED Carcel to cheat. She ignored Carcel and let Carcel cheat.
The one who got cheated on doesn’t mind, even she WANTED it.
Now they’re already married, and Carcel is not cheating anymore. And at the beginning, even tho they’re already married, Ines STILL WANT CARCEL TO CHEAT. Only recently she doesn’t like that idea anymore.