bitch tf? This REALLY made my heart race and not for the reason you're thinking. I wish Uk...

Tokyolarry June 22, 2024 9:12 am

bitch tf? This REALLY made my heart race and not for the reason you're thinking. I wish Uke could've ended up with a much hotter dude and the ml will just watch them be together while he will be by himself all lonely full of regret cuz wtf? I honestly dont know the reason why he did THAT when they just got together like wtf?

    Tokyolarry June 22, 2024 9:16 am

    And honestly the only good thing about the seme is that hes hot and rich because if he was a broke ass motherfucker I'd dump his ass the second he cheats and idgaf if you starve yourself or some shit cuz that aint my problem. Ughh Uke is too kind heartedddd