Hypnotism is real, we saw it firsthand in a seminar at our university org and a lot volunt...

Yohan's glasses June 22, 2024 8:54 am

Hypnotism is real, we saw it firsthand in a seminar at our university org and a lot volunteered to be hypnotized. The hosts told us that one can only be hypnotized if they are willing to be, but I also saw videos of scammers trying to hypnotize a girl (she was saved in time luckily) so I guess someone can be hypnotized when catched off guard. Its cool but also scary as fuck

    Your Mom June 22, 2024 9:47 am

    I think it depends bc some people can’t be hypnotized. I don’t believe I can be just bc I’m very, almost too self aware for my own good. I think it can only happen to those who are extremely gullible, without self awareness, and I think it’s also a placebo effect(lmao ironic) Basically someone gives you a pill, says it’s an energy pill, you feel energized, but it was actually a sugar pill and did nothing.
    I think that’s the case with our manga here. I think the uke is just gullible and easily manipulated.

    Yohan's glasses June 22, 2024 1:00 pm
    I think it depends bc some people can’t be hypnotized. I don’t believe I can be just bc I’m very, almost too self aware for my own good. I think it can only happen to those who are extremely gullible, wit... Your Mom

    i thought so too. honestly wanted to question that to the hosts lmfao but ig its also the method that they use + as you've mentioned, the self-awareness of the hypnotized. everything happened voluntarily with proper communication during the seminar so most of us got hypnotized, while some couldn't or just didn't

    TrueEyes9 June 22, 2024 1:12 pm
    I think it depends bc some people can’t be hypnotized. I don’t believe I can be just bc I’m very, almost too self aware for my own good. I think it can only happen to those who are extremely gullible, wit... Your Mom

    Omg ik that placebo effect I was waiting for someone to mention something like this, my sister told me about that effect which pretty cool to know that this manga is sort of like that concept

    Your Mom June 22, 2024 7:04 pm
    Omg ik that placebo effect I was waiting for someone to mention something like this, my sister told me about that effect which pretty cool to know that this manga is sort of like that concept TrueEyes9

    It just makes sense. Why else would the manga be called “Placebo”.
    I even experienced it myself with my health. From my fast experiences with my bad health, later in life I started to physically manifest symptoms due to that anxiety from the past. Since I became aware of the placebo effect I don’t believe I’ve ever had that since.

    Your Mom June 22, 2024 7:11 pm
    i thought so too. honestly wanted to question that to the hosts lmfao but ig its also the method that they use + as you've mentioned, the self-awareness of the hypnotized. everything happened voluntarily with p... Yohan's glasses

    Yeah it’s either gullible people or people who are just playing along. It could even have planned actors. You can’t ever count that stuff as accurate since scams can always be planned ahead. The placebo effect even happened with the Covid-19. Mass hysteria can lead to crowds of people thinking they have an illness when they don’t and they are perfectly fine.
    There was once a cats where a whole town died due to them all dancing to their death. Now it could have been some virus but it’s highly unlikely. It’s almost or has been proven it was mass hysteria that lead to a placebo effect that they were convinced they had some illness that literally made them dance to their death. All bc two people were dancing.

    Your Mom June 22, 2024 7:13 pm
    i thought so too. honestly wanted to question that to the hosts lmfao but ig its also the method that they use + as you've mentioned, the self-awareness of the hypnotized. everything happened voluntarily with p... Yohan's glasses

    Here’s a link to one website that explains it. Though you can Google it. It’s wild how so many people could be convinced. But that’s the placebo effect for you.

    Yohan's glasses June 23, 2024 4:38 am
    Yeah it’s either gullible people or people who are just playing along. It could even have planned actors. You can’t ever count that stuff as accurate since scams can always be planned ahead. The placebo eff... Your Mom

    Honestly real, I had my doubts, except that the people that volunteered were ppl Im close with who're also doubting it– but ended up in disbelief after. Our librarian was also one of the volunteers. With just one touch of the host's hand, everyone was falling asleep it was funny to see

    I can't entirely explain what happened either and Im soo frustrated but what I do know is that no one's a planned actor bc outsiders aren't permitted to get in unless they had a pass. No one can rlly sneak in since the entrance and exits are small and tight too. Could just really be a placebo as you've said or something similar. We talked about the seminar for days and the ppl who volunteered still can't believe it lmfaoo but they're aware the whole time it was happening though, we even recorded the performance and they were embarrassed of how they looked but It was entertaining for the most part really lolol. (The whole video's shared only amongst us but the hosts uploaded a glimpse on their fb page) We were expecting like a kid's magic show level type of performance so what we witnessed that day was out of our expectations. Initially, we stalked their page and they looked fake af but their skills are real

    Oh and they discussed the myths of hypnotism and debunked them too. They said that real hypnotism is different from the movies we see. Like those swirling effects and clock ticking things aren't real. AAAA i wish i could explain more.of what happened, it doesn't really sound exciting by just saying it.

    I keep.blabberinf abt it sorry it was just rlly a fascinating experience AHAHAHA

    Yohan's glasses June 23, 2024 4:45 am
    Yeah it’s either gullible people or people who are just playing along. It could even have planned actors. You can’t ever count that stuff as accurate since scams can always be planned ahead. The placebo eff... Your Mom

    I think I read or watched somewhere that, that incident was rlly just placebo effect and amazing and scary what fear and anxiety can do your brain chemicals that make it somehow come true. Its like we're our own genies, triggered only by negative overthinking however.

    The brain is might as well be the most sensitive organ there is by how well it can be affected by 'mere' words. I'd love to learn more about it

    Yohan's glasses June 23, 2024 4:45 am
    https://www.britannica.com/event/dancing-plague-of-1518#:~:text=dancing%20plague%20of%201518%2C%20event,as%20mysteriously%20as%20it%20began.Here’s a link to one website that explains it. Though you can Google... Your Mom

    thanks for the link! I'll check it out