
jubds June 22, 2024 4:09 am

why tho? why "force" your daughter to marry someone just "for the sake of her happiness"? maybe her happiness is fighting, being the stronger, protecting everyone and being a swordmaster. why make her give up on all of those?

i DO hope she doesnt stop being a swordmaster in the end to become a lady of the house

    Ravia July 5, 2024 9:36 pm

    This was hinted a lot through the story, that "mother knows her well". No matter how strange it is if You just look at it as decision agains her will, if You give it more depth and maybe a little unsaid story - this is quite reasonable to make her try marriage.
    If You really are against marriage and are in that important position as her, given her strengh, she could easly refuse by any means. But her mother knew something and Arune couldn't say anything against for this idea. Later she was easly interested in this life so this prove my theory of some story behind it all (concerning mother and Arune).
    And also - maybe Juleine love fighting as style of living, Arune not so much. She prefers to defend others for righteus things but given chance she's more like to not to do anything at all,just easly living life.

    jubds July 5, 2024 10:35 pm
    This was hinted a lot through the story, that "mother knows her well". No matter how strange it is if You just look at it as decision agains her will, if You give it more depth and maybe a little unsaid story -... Ravia

    I don't know if I agree with it, because if she is in a position where she could've refuse getting married, she is also in a position where she could've refused even learning swordfighting and could even decided to be a "normal" princess instead (thing that it seems her mother always wanted her to do). But she did choose to learn it and even choose to become the twin sword's master, which means she actually have a interest (maybe a deep one) in it. So making her give up on that, disregarding all the years she spent training, all her work and effort, just because "mother knows her best".... I don't see it as a good (or even a true) argument.

    Ravia July 7, 2024 6:55 am

    I get that, there is a lot of "zero or one" thinking. But maybe, even if it suit her much earlier, she and her mother talk or went though some situation. And because of it mother became aware that this lifestyle could hurt her daughter more than Arune thought it could - there is mother story about longer lifespan and being alone. This is difficult to expect people (no matter how strong they are) to fulfill more than one role, but I think that her mother belive that Arune given chance to decide, she will go to the right decisions and won't regret a lot in future.

    jubds August 5, 2024 12:58 pm
    I get that, there is a lot of "zero or one" thinking. But maybe, even if it suit her much earlier, she and her mother talk or went though some situation. And because of it mother became aware that this lifestyl... Ravia

    no, no. i'm sorry, but no. the mother forced her, Arne was always shown her desinterest of marriage her mother still pressured her to do something she didn't wanted. there were several other ways, BETTER ways, to change Arne's perspective over marriage. aside from that, her whole attitude after that STINKS, she was sook smug and arrogant about Arne ending liking the marriage life. the whole "oh the means justify the ending" mindset sucks and tbh if i had a mother like her i'd ran away quickly