Kei ☹

Pao June 21, 2024 8:31 pm

I’m a die-hard Ace of Diamonds fan and thinking of Kei’s character made me remember what Tetsuya-senpai told Sawamura, “we need to get stronger for those who were not chosen”. In Kei’s case, the burden and the guilt from defeating opponents were too much for him to bear and it broke him. I just want him to start enjoying baseball again. Anyway, read until ch 133 and find it weird though that he started talking to his other personality like he’s a ghost or an imaginary friend lol.

    potato June 28, 2024 11:43 pm

    where do you read?

    Pao June 29, 2024 3:09 am
    where do you read? potato

    mangafire but they’re in raws

    motokare July 1, 2024 8:00 am


    tbh it isn't funny, because he's actually suffering from dissociative identity disorder.
    In his childhood, he recognised Kiyomine's baseball talent, sparking an unwavering resolve to make him a first-class professional baseball player by sacrificing everything else in the process.

    His 'Catcher General' personality emerged due to an incident related to baseball that his original personality couldn't endure. Though he could only focus on baseball, he derived no enjoyment from it. The negative emotions he encountered while pursuing baseball caused significant mental strain, leading him to a dormant state by the end of middle school. The primary personality (his original self, the goofy one) took over, and those around him interpreted this as amnesia.

    no_lane July 1, 2024 2:27 pm
    THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILER (I AM THE TRANSLATOR TRANSLATING THIS SCANLATION)tbh it isn't funny, because he's actually suffering from dissociative identity disorder. In his childhood, he recognised Kiyomine's bas... motokare

    Can you please spoil what accident?

    Pao July 1, 2024 3:49 pm
    THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILER (I AM THE TRANSLATOR TRANSLATING THIS SCANLATION)tbh it isn't funny, because he's actually suffering from dissociative identity disorder. In his childhood, he recognised Kiyomine's bas... motokare

    thank you for translating! What really motivates me to follow this manga at this point is to really understand later on what drove him to take on the responsibility of elevating Haruka. Why go so far to the point of losing yourself in the process? But really, i just want him to be whole eventually and see the catcher general who’s still funny and enjoys baseball

    SapphireRose July 2, 2024 9:16 am
    THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILER (I AM THE TRANSLATOR TRANSLATING THIS SCANLATION)tbh it isn't funny, because he's actually suffering from dissociative identity disorder. In his childhood, he recognised Kiyomine's bas... motokare

    Wtfffff mind blown!!

    Robin July 2, 2024 8:38 pm
    mangafire but they’re in raws Pao

    Can you share link

    pjo July 4, 2024 2:39 am
    KiKi January 20, 2025 2:18 am
    THIS WILL CONTAIN SPOILER (I AM THE TRANSLATOR TRANSLATING THIS SCANLATION)tbh it isn't funny, because he's actually suffering from dissociative identity disorder. In his childhood, he recognised Kiyomine's bas... motokare

    thank u very very much for translating