Kimi no yoru ni fureru
Haruka tooki ie
Therapy game & therapy game restart
Kono te wo hanasanaide
Snow fairy
Cherry magic
Link and ring
Simplified pervert romance
Ask and you’ll receive
Falling star
Sugar dog life
Yoake no uta
Tsubanakasu haru
My dear agent
Ruby red wo kamikudaku
Naked Sword and Tree Peony of Black
On doorstep
Mahou tsukai wa furete tokeru
Wait i love you
Shinyuu no
Sasori to otome
Otameshi to wa Ie, Suki Sugiru
Konna Koi nara Owari ni Shitai!
The Stranger in the Hoarding House
Kuchi no naka no shita
Follow the twinkling blue of the stars
I’m sorry i just poured everything that came to my mind and some of my recent reads … don’t hate me ( ̄∇ ̄")

I don't see Life Senjou no Bokura in here and it's one on my all time favorites.
Same with Rumspringa no Joukei (and Dear Gene from the same mangaka)
There's also:
Bokura no Tsuzuki
Ghost of Paradise
Kimi ni Ienai Koto ga Aru
All of Yoneda Kou sensei's work
All of Ogawa Chise sensei's work
All of Chongtak's (CTK) work
All of Scarlet Beriko sensei's work.
Finally, I know a lot of people het discouraged by how long Hidoku Shinaide is (as well as the cliché first one or two volumes) but the amount of story and character development in it is no joke! (It's great)
What would be some of your top recommendations for yaoi manga? (no webtoons)
I've read and really enjoyed :
Pink Heart Jam (and other works of this author)
Usagi no Mori
Megumi and Tsugumi
Mask Danshi wa Koishitakunai no ni
Tabetemo Oishiku Arimasen
Karasugaoka Don't be shy
Kawaii Akuma
Tasogare Outfocus
Hana Tokidoki Kuma
Afurete Koborete Gaman Dekinai
Caste Heaven
And many of the older classics and longer volume works as well.
Anything new(er) that would be a really good or refreshing read, regardless of the tropes, is welcome. Thanks. :)