Girl..... Imo the one who was "mistreated" had the best life out of all, Alone in the ho...

Pixies June 21, 2024 3:56 pm

Girl..... Imo the one who was "mistreated" had the best life out of all,

Alone in the house just chilling
No responsibilities
No commitments
No to do lists
No job
Financially stable
People to do all her chores
Well Fed
People whose lives revolve around her
People falling in love left and right
No parent saying shit
Two hotties
Million other guard hotties
Just chilled doing absolutely nothing for years
Long hair
Beautiful clothes
God given skill set had to absolutely 0 training just picked a book and got to it
Pretty clothes

I would be ok without that family love, also how would one know what family love is if it was never given to them. How do you miss something you never had.

So boring. Wish she would've turned into a cunt and fucked shit up.

    Girlll June 25, 2024 11:13 am

    Why is this comment so funny

    Kai June 25, 2024 4:02 pm

    this comment is so real...