Decided to re-read from chapter 1 just because and these are some stuff i think are releva...

idkdik June 21, 2024 4:08 pm

Decided to re-read from chapter 1 just because and these are some stuff i think are relevant in season 3:
1* we know that yoonho is in therapy 5 years after 1st meeting suyeon and we then learn that their relationship (just sex at first) started after 3 years (so 2 more years left) and im gonna assume that the events that happened after that are either 2 years or a bit less. So maybe in season 3 we are gonna see yoonho in therapy (just like we did in chapter one)
2* there was a gap of 10 years when suyeon and gyeol last met (when he had a girlfriend the same time as he was with suyeon) and during those years its safe to assume suyeon had other sex partners (maybe the bruise he showed yoonho at the beginning either done by him or someone else not gyeol)
3* suyeon was literally so manipulative towards yoonho in the 1st 20 chapters...he really kept him in the dark and on edge when it came to his rs with gyeol and didn't try to clear it out. Even he admitted in the raws that when he firdt started having sex with yoonho, he didn't think of it as something serious at first. So uhm yea that was fucked up.
4* gyeol is toxic (lmao and the sky is blue), i dont think he loves suyeon and everything he said in the raws (sex scenes) were just LIES. He didn't gaf about anything except himself, his career and his pleasure. So i wouldnt be surprised to see him throw suyeon a second time.
i need season 3 asap this is making me crazy

    Apo June 21, 2024 10:21 pm

    You pick up so much more on a re-read, I'd recommended everyone give it a go.

    1*The timeline is a bit hazy, but I think we are coming up to 3.5 years into the 5 years. Chapter 6 states it's been 3 years since Yoonho met Suyeon and that's March 2022. Chapter 37 is May 15th because it is Yoonho's birthday/Teacher Appreciation Day. Chapter 44 when the exhibit starts and Suyeon and Gyeol have sex is June 25th. Crazy to think there's another 1.5 years to go.

    2*I think the audience is supposed to think that Suyeon was promiscuous the whole time, but it will turn out he wasn't. We see in at the end of chapter 42 Suyeon choking himself, so the handprints on his neck may have been from himself this whole time. The story is from Yoonho's perspective, so we get it with his bias. Yoonho is overly possessive and paranoid so he assumed that Suyeon was fucking Gyeol at the studio the whole time and other students. In chapter 25, Yoonho says that a classmate told him that since Gyeol started working at the university, Suyeon has become softer towards his students, and this causes Yoonho to get jealous and assume that Suyeon is fucking a male student. What's overlooked by Yoonho is that Gyeol joined the university at the same time that Suyeon started his relationship with Yoonho, so it might actually have been Yoonho having a positive effect on Suyeon and his teaching style and not Gyeol.

    In the raws we find out that Suyeon never slept with any of his other students and that Yoonho is special to him but Yoonho doesn't believe this because at this point he has already witnessed, and participated in, Gyeol fucking Suyeon. In the latest translated chapter (50) Suyeon says that he and Gyeol never fucked in the past because Gyeol couldn't' get it up. We've seen since that Gyeol has no problems getting hard so either Suyeon is lying or Gyeol was only interested in the choking/abuse side of the relationship back then and that's why Suyeon responded so strongly when Gyeol was being affectionate to him with Yoonho watching in chapter 53. Gyeol said Suyeon made it too easy back then so maybe Gyeol is only interested in Suyeon now that there's a challenge in Yoonho.

    3*Early chapter Suyeon has a very different vibe to what we see now and comes across as very manipulative. It's hard to tell if the author changed his characterisation while writing or if it's because we see him through Yoonho's eyes and Yoonho is misreading the situation. It's important to remember that Yoonho is in therapy for a reason and had issues well before he met Suyeon. Yoonho is extremely jealous and possessive and often misreads the situation. We've seen Yoonho not realise that he is forcing himself on Suyeon at the university and in Suyeon's studio because Suyeon responds physically to abuse. Suyeon is a mystery to Yoonho and does a very poor job of explaining his feelings and motives to Yoonho. Even when Suyeon tries to reassure Yoonho he fails to do so because Yoonho is too insecure. That's part of the tragedy of two people who don't know how to receive love trying to show love to each other and not knowing how.

    4*Gyeol is just fucking with Suyeon. He has a lot of resentment towards Suyeon since their student days because Suyeon was the top student. He liked knowing that Suyeon was pining after him and is now upset that Suyeon has found someone else. I said in an earlier comment that Gyeol is always telling Suyeon that he had forgotten about their time together and that Suyeon must be upset about it but it's actually the opposite with Gyeol upset that Suyeon was 'replacing' him with Yoonho.

    Strangely, I actually feel more hopeful for a Suyeon and Yoonho happy ending after the last chapters of season 2. Knowing that Suyeon never had sex with other students and that Gyeol resembles his father makes Suyeon a more sympathetic character. The story can go two ways, Yoonho goes back to Suyeon and the cycle of abuse continues or Yoonho stays away and works on his psychological problems.

    I don't think the story is going to end with 'Suyeon is a dirty slut who will fuck anything'. I think Yoonho's rejection will cause Suyeon to spiral and he will end up in a toxic relationship with Gyeol. Yoonho has broken the cycle of abuse with Suyeon but will continue to spiral for a while too. It will kill him to see Suyeon and Gyeol 'together' at the university so he might need to take a leave of absence but will eventually return to 'rescue' Suyeon.

    It's crazy to think that Yoonho is doing a graduate course with Suyeon as his supervisor and the author has said on twitter that Gyeol is one of his lecturers. I can't see Yoonho sitting quietly in lectures from Suyeon or Gyeol moving forward so something is going to happen.

    The author has said this story has a happy ending and I'm more convinced now that this means Yoonho and Suyeon in a happy relationship. I could see the story ending with Suyeon waiting for Yoonho after his therapy session is chapter 1 and we find out that they're both committed to getting the mental health help they need in order to keep their relationship working...but I might also be delusional and the story could end with some twisted Gyeol/Suyeon/Yoonho throuple.

    idkdik June 21, 2024 10:47 pm
    You pick up so much more on a re-read, I'd recommended everyone give it a go.1*The timeline is a bit hazy, but I think we are coming up to 3.5 years into the 5 years. Chapter 6 states it's been 3 years since Yo... Apo

    thank u for correcting some points especially the timeline!!
    I really want to believe that Su-yeon's whole personality is only from yoonho's pov and that would make much more sense than author just changing his whole personality during the story. Suyeon was very emotionalky disturbed during the last chapter of raws and i think that's the real suyeon that yoonho refuses to see as he left the scene during his breakdown
    As for the "happy" ending promised by the author, i think its either going to be to each their own with everyone trying to heal separately or suyeon and yoonho being together. I liked the idea that suyeon will be waiting for him after the therapy session!! I think that would be a nice twist

    Rin July 7, 2024 1:49 pm

    Also, doesn't this mean SY has feelings for the both of them? Atleast when he decided to blow Gyeol haha. Coz it's mentioned that he cheated coz he had a long crush. So in that case, even if SY is sad n crying as YH left him( yay, good for YH for once), shouldn't he atleast be happy he has Gyeol now, Finally!.

    Also, I wonder what if Gyeol actually reciprocated the 'crush'. With YH out of the picture, they would've lived as a 'HaPpy CouPLe' . Lol I'm just venting atp but I wish that were the case haha. They both should rot together lol. And let YH find someone else. I wonder if SY would've eventually forgotten about YH nd lived happily? But we know Gyeol is just messing with SY, he wanted fun, he got it.

    Anyway, I truly hope, SY regrets it and is brought to the.....right path? By Yh ig. And what about YH ? Who'll heal him bro? Also, tiny question? That girl is YH's ex? He mentioned to SY when that one time they were laying in bed (before they ever slept together) that he had a girlfriend?

    idkdik July 7, 2024 2:01 pm
    Also, doesn't this mean SY has feelings for the both of them? Atleast when he decided to blow Gyeol haha. Coz it's mentioned that he cheated coz he had a long crush. So in that case, even if SY is sad n crying ... Rin

    well, suyeon did in fact have a crush on gyeol and him engaging in sexual acts with gyeol and yoonho at the same time was probably just for pleasure and no emotions involved (maybe a bit with yoonho yea).
    Gyeol doesn't like suyeon, or at least he just views him as a rival and in bed as someone he can mentally/physically abuse whenever wherever he wants to. So I think in season 3 we will see suyeon and gyeol have sex (bdsm) because atp there's nothing going on. Suyeon will need to release himself and gyeol can blow off steam by dominating him.
    And no that girl isnt yoonho's ex since she was actually interested in yoonho when she gave him flowers (not sure if she did), and when he told her about him having a crush on someone, she apologized cuz she kinda confessed