Who deleted the chapters? Can somebody reupload the translations because the self centered...

laboumm_ya June 21, 2024 1:56 pm

Who deleted the chapters? Can somebody reupload the translations because the self centered bitch who wants to control the uploads (lol) deleted them

    Seph June 21, 2024 2:29 pm

    And imma keep deleting them you lame ass mandrill. No need to call me out my name like that

    NotGuilty June 21, 2024 2:33 pm

    Nah I don’t want shitty unreadable translations posted by bots. Patience is a virtue.

    laboumm_ya June 21, 2024 6:23 pm

    @Seph doesn't let people reply to her so with that in mind: Girl you're a reuploader, not the code of god. Something is wrong with you people who have no life outside of the internet

    laboumm_ya June 21, 2024 6:25 pm
    Nah I don’t want shitty unreadable translations posted by bots. Patience is a virtue. NotGuilty

    Well you're not the only person on here now are you? Some of us want to get translations since the originals are taking forever, and somebody thinking they have a monopoly over who gets and doesn't get to post translations is wack cuz we shouldn't have to suffer because @Seph is exerting the need for control she doesn't have in real life online

    Insomia June 21, 2024 7:35 pm

    Y’all sweet in these comments

    already_taken2000 June 21, 2024 9:17 pm
    And imma keep deleting them you lame ass mandrill. No need to call me out my name like that Seph

    Wtf Steph why you gotta do this

    laboumm_ya June 21, 2024 9:22 pm

    So apparently @Seph has decided to block me since I keep being told I can't reply to her "due to this user's settings". Lmao. STOP BEING A WEIRD LOSER @Seph

    Seph June 21, 2024 10:08 pm
    Wtf Steph why you gotta do this already_taken2000

    Well in truth I was gonna remove them anyways when the officials come back within a couple of week. I just wanted to honestly remove the unofficial and avoid all the unnecessary unofficial and official drama and etc that comes along with it. I’m sorry if you feel some time of way and if anything I can surely redirect you to the site someone is posting them on.

    Seph June 21, 2024 10:10 pm
    Y’all sweet in these comments Insomia

    They talking to themselves chile. I’m not giving them any of my time or reading whatever they have to say especially after they decided to call me out my name. Like they must be stupid or something?

    Thatweirdchick June 22, 2024 2:18 am
    Well in truth I was gonna remove them anyways when the officials come back within a couple of week. I just wanted to honestly remove the unofficial and avoid all the unnecessary unofficial and official drama an... Seph

    Nah you're good. Most of us appreciate the mtl unofficials getting removed. Keeps things nice and neat. They can go directly to those sites if they want the trash translation.

    laboumm_ya June 22, 2024 6:16 am

    @Seph first and foremost, nobody would have known you were removing the chapters had you not bared your girthy, empty skull to the world to let us all know that you did, so you *called yourself out* and inserted yourself into this conversation, spent a bunch of time bitching about it just to then turn around and claim indifference when you felt that personally attacked by me you felt the need to block me or stop me from replying to your comments in some shape or form. If you genuinely didn't care you wouldn't be that afraid of not avoiding people who have an issue with what you're doing but the sad thing is this is what kids who get bullied do so I'm just going to drop it and wish you a good day.

    Seph June 26, 2024 2:07 pm
    @Seph first and foremost, nobody would have known you were removing the chapters had you not bared your girthy, empty skull to the world to let us all know that you did, so you *called yourself out* and inserte... laboumm_ya

    You’re mad weird bc how you gon call me out my name over some fuck shit and when I have an issue with it I’m a weirdo and loser? You fucking ditzy ass bozo like you wanna be in the right so bad.

    Mind you the only reason why I didn’t give you the time of day at the time was bc I was preparing to leave the state to celebrate a birthday. now that I have the time to read your long bum ass statements, all I gotta say is you’re a dumbass talking about some "if you genuinely didn't care you wouldn't be that afraid of not avoiding people who have an issue" IT MY ACCOUNT I can block who I want and I’m not afraid of no bozo like you is you stupid?

    laboumm_ya June 26, 2024 3:02 pm

    - That's such a transparent lie because you had time for everybody else in the comment section.
    - You're still a weird loser with no friends who can only exert control in life online.
    - And yet in spite of all of this you still have me blocked so I can't reply to you. Lol.