Sometimes I think Mingwa had to change the plot because of the unexpected repercussions she had on Jaekyung, hence the hiatus. Other times I think it's just a marketing trick.
But the character total negative repercussion is also a time bomb in her hand. Jaekyung needs to be accepted as Dan's love, to please the public please the public she will have to show a really convincing reason for all the mess, if she fails in this mission, it will be a loss for her next work.
TBH I really liked the story, I was so mad at Jaekyung and that shows how well-written his character is for me to have this hate. I'm excited for s2 can't wait. I hadn't planned to read this story bc BJ Alex was so good and I was kinda scared this would be a flopp but it was late at night had nothing to do so I picked it up. Don't regret it for one bit and now I'm just waiting and am excited for him to realize how much he messed up.