NGL tho if I was Yona FIRST thing I'm doing is organizing the people who betrayed her dad ...

Hopeless_shipper June 21, 2024 4:06 am

NGL tho if I was Yona FIRST thing I'm doing is organizing the people who betrayed her dad and firing them all or utilizing them to death

    MarMars June 22, 2024 4:13 am

    i dropped this a while ago and I just came back, but isn't her dad a POS tho?

    bishounensupremacy July 4, 2024 7:59 pm
    i dropped this a while ago and I just came back, but isn't her dad a POS tho? MarMars

    way bigger POS considering he caused thousands to die bc he couldnt be bothered to get his ass up and rule properly

    MarMars July 5, 2024 6:40 am
    way bigger POS considering he caused thousands to die bc he couldnt be bothered to get his ass up and rule properly bishounensupremacy

    I thought so. I wouldn't blame anybody who betrayed him tbh

    Hopeless_shipper July 6, 2024 12:33 am
    way bigger POS considering he caused thousands to die bc he couldnt be bothered to get his ass up and rule properly bishounensupremacy

    He wasn't the a perfect king, thats for sure. But no one is. And while his actions might not have benefited the "country" it did benefit a lot of people.

    He did not want the throne. He did what he did knowing he would be killed by the boy he raised. He killed his beloved brother, yes partly for revenge but also because he was unfit for the throne.

    He saved the country from a tyrant and a despot who decapitated people and burned down temples for one single woman on the off chance that would endanger her when the woman herself DID NOT WANT THAT.

    I bieve that by pacifying other neighbouring countries and letting them take territories (like we see with what happens with the kingdom ruled by the two princesses, who's hatred runs so deep they were willing to go to war despite knowing they could die) he has saved countless lives from being claimed at war, or the inevitable starvation that comes from it.

    Not just koukas people, but other kingdoms too.

    So again, he wasn't perfect, but he wasn't the worst.
    And the point isn't even that, it's that those people sworn to him plot his murder and then tries to murder *her*

    See I absolutely believe that the moment a regent stops being useful he should be déposez, but he *was useful*. He was the middle man between a reign of terror and one of peace under Yona and Soo won.

    Still, I also believe in revenge. You best believe if you kill my father in front of me, and the people that basically raised me try to kill me countless times only to come running to me with their tails between their legs I *will* savour that defeat.

    bishounensupremacy July 6, 2024 6:59 am
    He wasn't the a perfect king, thats for sure. But no one is. And while his actions might not have benefited the "country" it did benefit a lot of people.He did not want the throne. He did what he did knowing he... Hopeless_shipper

    yh i aint reading all that sorry

    Hopeless_shipper July 7, 2024 8:17 am
    yh i aint reading all that sorry bishounensupremacy

    TLDR; he isn't that bad and his actions saved a lot of people

    MarMars July 7, 2024 8:40 am
    TLDR; he isn't that bad and his actions saved a lot of people Hopeless_shipper

    ermmm saved who? wasn't most of the country starving to death? he was shit

    bishounensupremacy July 7, 2024 9:33 am
    TLDR; he isn't that bad and his actions saved a lot of people Hopeless_shipper

    he was better than soo wons dad duh. less shitty king obv doesnt make a good king though if your people are dying from starvation and disease you gotta go. not to mention that he sucks so much as a leader that he couldnt even properly unite the tribe leaders to fight all the fucked up stuff going on like human trafficking or drug abuse