I'm still really on the idea that I hope he isn't the reincarnation and something happens ...

hachi leaf June 20, 2024 8:56 pm

I'm still really on the idea that I hope he isn't the reincarnation and something happens so he gets slapped by the idea that he is NOT the one in the past. do yall not see that he only loves him because he resembles his past love? that shit... is sad. and people have been eating up that trope (in nuance) in other works! like why it's like being loved because you act/look like their ex. that's horrible.

    kickassfu June 21, 2024 10:20 am

    i get that but love starts in many ways. yes maybe he loves him now because he looks like his past love, but he'll get to know him better and see his kindness etc and fall deeper in love with his personality and who he is now (we're talking hypotheticals here, if he actually isn't the reincarnation).

    love sometimes starts because someone confesses and the other person starts to notice them, spend more time with them and realize they love them back. love isn't as simple as all of that.

    i do understand where you're coming from, him only loving him because he thinks he's someone else is hurtful and sad, but sometimes that's just a starting point. having said i have no idea where this manga is going to go and if it's going to delve into it. but just the idea that he is more free to love another man now, that he can be happier/got a second chance when he was dying is lovely.

    either way personally i do love reincarnation stories aksjdhsjkd so i don't mind it as much, but i get it. sorry for the long annoying unecessary comment tho lol

    hachi leaf June 21, 2024 11:49 am
    i get that but love starts in many ways. yes maybe he loves him now because he looks like his past love, but he'll get to know him better and see his kindness etc and fall deeper in love with his personality an... kickassfu

    no, the long message is okay haha. there's a charm to that for sure and that's why a lot of people love reincarnation stories so much. I'm just the opposite of it hahaha

    even if it evolves into him appreciating his qualities, still doesn't change the fact he got this rose tinted glasses because he reminded him of his past love in the first place. it basically means all his appreciation of him going forward was grounded on the idea that he loved him in the past. I prefer it when they actually fall in love with the present rather than hinging the idea on someone who they're not. it's my main issue with reincarnation stories.

    one manga I read in the past touched on this topic cause the top lives long and the bottom is a mortal. bottom asks top why top doesn't pursue his old lover's reincarnation and top says he'd like to respect the life they're currently living and it'd be disrespectful to always seek for who they're not. and I think that basically summarizes my view of the whole thing. I dislike how most reincarnation stories diminishes the person's current life as if it's nothing and less important than their past life and memories.

    unfortunately though, that same manga made the same mistake about reincarnation stories on its second couple. really frustrating how first couple preached about it only for second to completely disregard that message

    kickassfu June 21, 2024 12:33 pm
    no, the long message is okay haha. there's a charm to that for sure and that's why a lot of people love reincarnation stories so much. I'm just the opposite of it hahahaeven if it evolves into him appreciating ... hachi leaf

    that's completely fair! we all like different things and take our own interpretations of what we read, if not every story would be the same and it'd be boring lol

    ig i was comparing it to real life, falling in love with certain qualities of ppl you've loved in the past, which would then bring you to fall in love with the person, because again, love isn't always very straightforward and i don't exactly think that ruins the appreciation and love that blooms from that. it's just a different start to it. but like if you don't like it you don't like it.

    and i do love it when stories like these go in different directions of what we expect! i've read all kinds of it and loved it nonetheless. but i'm a sucker for the clichés as well haha i just think it's definitely an intriguing concept. i'll love you in every world no matter what gets to me. but we were different people back then and you're happy with someone else now and i respect that, and have found love in someone else is amazing too.

    it depends on what kind of perspective you come into this kinda concept and yours makes perfect sense as well ^^

    yeah loool a lot of mangas do that. they show one thing different from the norm, and then go to make the cliché as well (which again i love, but also takes a bit away from the special feeling of the first part of it)

    ps: i still remember a shoujo i loved about reincarnation, where the dude's past love in this life is actually a dude, because the past love just wanted to be by his side no matter what, go off into war with him or wtv, things he couldn't do in the past (i think, my memory sucks). and his past best friend in this life is a girl because??? maybe he loved him? i don't remember LOL and he does end up with the girl best friend, and the past love i think ends up with someone else. idk how the name just came up to me NG Life, but yeah. i did love it (even if it was a bit heteronormative with them having to change to the "appropriate" genders )

    Adam January 23, 2025 12:40 pm
    that's completely fair! we all like different things and take our own interpretations of what we read, if not every story would be the same and it'd be boring lolig i was comparing it to real life, falling in l... kickassfu

    It's a bit funny though when heteronormativity leads to gender fuckery. Oh, this person who has so far always identified as a man is in a woman's body now? They're trans now, babeyyyy!

    kickassfu January 23, 2025 3:12 pm
    It's a bit funny though when heteronormativity leads to gender fuckery. Oh, this person who has so far always identified as a man is in a woman's body now? They're trans now, babeyyyy! Adam

    that's also fair! that interpretation is great too haha